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RedCon1 Snickerdoodle MRE Bar Available Friday

By November 25, 2019No Comments
RedCon1 Snickerdoodle MRE Bar Available Friday

RedCon1 is trying to set some kind of record with new product launches on Black Friday. RedCon1 has announced that it will launch Snickerdoodle MRE Bar, along with the previously announced Peanut Butter and Jelly MRE Bar, on Black Friday.

MRE Bar was one of the largest and most successful launches in the short history of RedCon1. It also changed the protein bar market as it was one of the only bars to feature real whole food.

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Fitness Informant's POV

It is crazy how big the MRE Bar has gotten for RedCon1. They will now have 10 different flavors to choose from with the addition of Peanut Butter and Jelly and today's announcement of Snickerdoodle. We're excited to try both new flavors as the MRE Bar is one of our top rated protein bars.

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