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NutraBio Launches EpiCor®, A New Immune Boosting Supplement

By April 1, 2020December 6th, 2021No Comments
epicor NutraBio

With the world the way it is today, and everybody suddenly taking their overall health seriously, it looks as if NutraBio is here to steer people in the right direction. NutraBio seems to be an all-encompassing brand. As if they care more about overall health as opposed to just catering to bodybuilders.

Well here they are to help you with your immune system. NutraBio has just launched a new supplement called EpiCor®, which a single ingredient supplement containing EpiCor®.epicor

EpiCor® is a trademarked prebiotic derived from yeast which supports antioxidant activity. EpiCor is extremely unique because it is 100% natural, NON-GMO, Gluten free, and Lactose Free however it is not an extract and is considered a whole food. Another interesting aspect is that it is not an extract, and is technically considered a whole food. 

With everything going on in this world, you will most likely find other brands to utilize this ingredient as well. 

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Final Takeaway

We like this launch from NutraBio. With Coronavirus changing the world as we know it, it is a time when people actually care about their immune system. While we and NutraBio are not making any claims regarding Coronavirus (COVID19) of course, people taking an ingredient that could potentially aid their overall health is overall a good thing. Of course, it's NutraBio so there is that integrity behind it. 

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