Here at Fitness Informant we take an educational approach to dietary supplement more often than not, however, you will never achieve your goal of the perfect physique or goal weight you want on supplements alone. Supplements are what they are: supplements. They are meant to supplement a diet consisting of real, whole foods.
The most basic equation to weight gain, weight loss or maintenance is calories in vs. calories out. If your body operates and a caloric surplus, you will gain weight. If your body operates at a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. This has always been the #1 thing you need to know when you start any diet.
Why do we fail?
We fail because we fail to plan. This isn't just in our fitness journey, but any aspect of life. Specifically to our fitness journey, many people fail to plan because they don't know where to begin. They have always been told to, "eat well," and, "eat often," but those answers are so broad that anyone could be confused by them.
We have put together a FREE Macronutrient calculator to help you achieve your goal of bulking, cutting or maintaining.
Before you generate your FREE macros from us, it is very important that we INFORM you on what the macronutrients are.
Macronutrients vs. Micronutrients
You may have heard the term macro and micro nutrients before. They are both extremely important in a diet, but for these purposes we are only going to talk about the three macronutrients. NOTE: a proper diet consisting of well-selected foods to cover your macronutrients should provide adequate micronutrients, but we still recommend a daily multi-vitamin to ensure you are receiving enough vitamins and minerals.
Our macronutrients are the three major nutrients you want to know, track and adhere too in order to be successful in your journey. The three important, often misunderstood, macronutrients are:
- Fats
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
The most misunderstood macronutrient are fats. So many people search for "fat-free" items, but only do so because they associate the macronutrient fat with a "fat" physique. This couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, too much of any one macronutrient can put you into a caloric surplus causing fat gain, but fats are essential and necessary to any diet.
Not all fats are created equal. Trans fats are the devil. We want to avoid those. But foods that are high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are good for us. Even some saturated fats are OK, although you do want to limit them.
Fats from sources like nuts, fish, grass-fed red meat, olive and coconut oil and avocados are good fats. Fats from deep-friend foods are bad fats. Keep it simple.
One gram of fat equals nine calories. This is why your fats will always be lower on your macronutrient calculator.,
Thanks to Atkins, this is the second most misunderstood macronutrient on the planet. Carbs are not all bad. Carbs provide us glucose which is burned off for energy. Carbs are necessary for optimal performance.
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Think of simple carbs like sugar. Candy and fruit, along with some dietary supplements, are simple carbs. Too much fruit can also not be seen as a good thing, however if you need simple carbs (pre/intra/post workout) a piece of fruit or a supplement like HBCD may be your choice.
A complex carb is often what we want to incorporate into our diets. These include things like jasmine rice, sweet potatoes and other green vegetables.
Inevitably someone will get turned off or scared by the number of carbs that "spit" out of the calculator. Don't be.
One gram of carbohydrates equals four calories.
Often seen as the most important macronutrient, protein is the key nutrient for those of us in fitness. Adequate protein intake levels can lead to muscle gains and fat burning. However, you don't want to overdue it and you don't want to solely rely on dietary supplements.
It takes the body the most time to "burn" protein, thus keeping us "fuller" longer. It also provides amino acids which are the building blocks to muscle.
Much like carbs and fats, not all protein is created equal. There are a lot of sources of "protein" today that are not complete sources of protein. For example, if you follow a vegan diet, there is a reason you're supposed to eat beans with nuts to ensure you get a full amino acid profile providing a complete protein.
The general rule of thumb was one gram of protein per one pound of bodyweight. This works, but even more accurate is based on your activity level.
One gram of protein equals four calories.
Revised Harris-Benedict Formula
We used the Revised Harris-Benedict Formula to calculate your macros. This is one of the most widely used, well-respected methods to calculate your macros without a body scan. The formula takes into account the following (make sure you have these ready for our calculator):
- Sex
- Age
- Weight
- Height
- Activity Level (we give you options)
- Type of Work
From these six attributes, we can, with fairly decent accuracy, calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). Once we obtain the TDEE, we can add or subtract calories to get you to bulking or a cutting phase. If you choose to maintain, your macros will equal your TDEE.
Basal Metabolic Rate
Your BMR is the amount of calories needed for you to maintain your current physique and a state of rest. This means if you were to lay in bed all day and not do any activity, this is the amount of calories you would need to maintain your current weight.
Total Daily Energy Expenditure
Your TDEE is the amount of calories your body requires to stay at the same weight with the addition of your activity level and type of work.