The 15th Mr. Olympia Brandon Curry has officially tossed his hat into the dietary supplement and functional foods game. Brandon Curry, along with Marc Lobliner, will launch O15, first available at TigerFitness.com.
Marc Lobliner’s involvement with O15 Nutrition cannot be understated. Marc has been involved with SciVation, MTS Nutrition, Ambrosia Collective, the Outright Bar and TigerFitness.com. Marc has a proven track record of success.
The brand will launch with a stimulant based pre-workout, Exalt, a non-stimulant pre/pump powder, Expansion, and The Big-O Bar.
Exalt will be the stimulant based pre-workout that will launch with two flavors. Expansion is the non-stimulant pre-workout/pump supplement that will also be available in two flavors. Both Marc and Brandon formulated the products. These products will be available around the 2020 Mr. Olympia weekend (Dec 17-20, 2020).
The Big-O Bar will be a nut butter base with MCT oils and Whey Protein Hydroslate. The Big-O Bar will also feature real inclusions. The two flavors on-launch will be Birthday Cake and Fruity Cereal. Birthday Cake will feature 24g protein while Fruity Cereal will have 27g. The Big-O Bar will be available on 12/4/2020.
The 2019 Mr. Olympia Champion is excited to get into this world.
I have teamed up with the best minds in formulating, flavoring and fulfillment to bring you the most effective nutritional foods and supplements.
Family, God and helping you realize YOUR dreams are my priorities.
There will be more products to follow.
Customers can get their first try of O15 Nutrition exclusively at TigerFitness.com.
Retailers who wish to carry O15 Nutrition please contact Marc Lobliner. Email us for details.
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Final Takeaway
Brandon Curry is one of the best ambasssadors of the sport of bodybuilding. Although I have not seen the formula on Exalt, my hope is that it is top-notch, similar to what Jay Cutler is doing with his line. The Big-O Bar looks amazing. It appears to be very similar to the Outright Bar, which makes sense since Marc Lobliner is involved, but bigger (Outright Bar has ~15g per bar). With Marc attached to this project, and his experience and expertise, along with Brandon's popularity and credibility, I expect this to be a solid brand.