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Apollon Nutrition’s Gut Glory is a fully comprehensive GI Support Prebiotic, Postbiotic and Synbiotic

By November 27, 2023No Comments
ApolloN Gut Glory


Apollo Nutrition Gut Glory

Apollon Nutrition has been known to create some of the most high powered, maxed out pre-workouts in the industry. And now, their Gut Glory is no exception. This potent GI protection might not seem like much to the untrained eye, but rest assured these high quality ingredients are potent as can be.

Apollo Nutrition Gut Glory Pre-Workout Supplement Facts Panel ApolloN Gut SFp

*Disclaimer: This formula breakdown is based off one full serving

NewBiome Tributyrin Powder- 1000mg

Tributyrin is a postbiotic butyric acid precursor. The primary function of butyrate is to provide your colon cells with energy. It also plays a role in regulating water and electrolyte absorption in the gut, providing support for the epithelial barrier, modulating visceral sensitivity and intestinal motility and helping moderate inflammation and oxidative stress. Supplementing with butyrate offers many potential health benefits, including weight management, metabolic wellness, gut health, improved sleep quality, and helping with butyrate deficiency (brought on by unhealthy, low-fiber diets).

DigeSEB Enzyme Blend- 250mg

Adding a digestive enzyme such as DigeSEB provides the body with key enzymes to help break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the stomach. DigeSEB is a patented blend of five digestive enzymes including amylase, lactase, protease, lipase, and cellulase. Regardless of whether you have specific dietary issues, the addition of a digestive enzyme is beneficial as it boosts the product’s bioavailability.

AstraGin Extract- 100mg

AstraGin® promotes gut ecosystem homeostasis by the symbiotic effect of restoring gut wall integrity and increasing microbiota-immunity communication. Lastly, AstraGin® activates the immune system through the symbiotic effect of improved gut wall integrity and enhanced microbiota-immunity communication.

PreforPro – 15mg

PreforPro is a prebiotic first and foremost. Its unique bacteriophage cocktail is dual-action—it destabilizes the cell walls of the bad bacteria in the small and large intestines which then provides nutrients and space for the good bacteria to grow. This process helps your body digest and absorb essential nutrients from food and maintain a healthy intestinal tract and normal microbiota. PreforPro also supports overall immune function.

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Final Takeaway

Gut Glory might seem like its light on the ingredients, but I can say this product will be beneficial in any ones routine stack. No matter how good or bad your gut health is, Gut Glory is sure to be a staple prophylactic in your health regime.

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