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C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero Quick Hit: Naturally Good with Natural Sweeteners and Natural Caffeine

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C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero

C4 Energy has dropped a new version of their top-rated C4 Smart Energy in their naturally sweetened version called C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero. C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero join the fast growing energy RTD category for the sports nutrition giant.

C4 Energy is back with a version that is set to please of lot of customers. According to Statista, the market for naturally sweetened products was set to grow by $130 million over a 10-year period, proof that customer are looking for alternatives to sucralose and aspartame. C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero uses Stevia as its sweetener to accomplish the naturally sweetened tag.

C4 Smart Energy Natural ZeroThe formula of C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero is almost identical to C4 Smart Energy, one of our top 5 rated en energy drinks here at FI. C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero will contain 150mg of caffeine per can. The can size is a 12oz can. The typical can size on the market is 16oz. C4 Smart Energy is also available in a 12oz size which also features 150mg caffeine. The caffeine source is from InnovaTea, a natural source of caffeine.

C4 Smart Energy also uses Cognizin CitiColine for cognitive enhancement. N-Acetyle-L-Tyrosine is also utilized in the new C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero.

The two main differences, as noted before, are the use of Citric Acid and Stevia for sweeteners.

The available flavors of C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero are Cherry Lime, our personal favorite, Grapefruit and Blackberry.

C4 Smart Energy Natural Zero is available now from C4’s website.

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Final Takeaway

These are a cool take into the RTD beverage world. I personally don't have an issue with Sucralose, but the proof is in the pudding (naturally sweetened pudding?) that some consumers have a negative connotation to Sucralose. I think this is a smart play from C4. The flavors are decent, there is a slight taste of Stevia, but it is not as bad as it could be. My wife, Danielle, actually prefers these to the OG Smart Energy and she doesn't care at all about natural sweeteners.

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