Fans of GHOST Energy have been waiting almost a full year for another flavor to be added to the GHOST Energy family. GHOST has officially revealed and announced Orange Cream as the next flavor of their fast growing GHOST Energy.
There is no definitive launch date on Orange Cream, but we suspect it will be within the next month.
We had the opportunity to try this in the R&D stage, as well as the finished product. If you're a fan of Orange Dreamscicle then this flavor will be in your wheelhouse.
Final Takeaway
This might be my favorite GHOST Energy flavor honestly. We will do a full vide breakdown but you get orange on the front and the vanilla cream flavor on the backside. This one also reminds me more of a "soda flavor" which I like. Yes there is fruit to this, but resembles more a county fair orange cream soda. Huge fan of this flavor.