If you haven’t heard the news yet, well we are here to inform you. Two brands that are well-known in the supplement space have made giant leaps towards breaking into the gaming industry.
For years, the only performancing enhancing supplement in the gaming industry was GFuel, who deserves all the respect in the world for creating a new category, as well as having great marketing. With that said, we feel that there is plenty of room for improvement when it comes to formulations in these gaming supplements. Well, it looks as if we are well on the way of seeing that come to fruition.
To start, a report from GHOST has recently signed a two-year contract with XSet according to eSports Insider. XSet is a new gaming brand founded in July of 2020, and the founders are no strangers to the gaming field. XSet was founded by 3 executives from the industry giant known as FaZe Clan. Seriously go on IG and look them up, they are simply massive and have built an impressive empire. So it will certainly be interesting to see where this partnership ends up.
What makes it really cool, is that XSet has just started. This isn’t GHOST going out and signing with an already well-established gaming team… it’s just starting. This helps build an authentic relationship and both brands should be able to grow with each other.
The next brand that has made a big jump to the gaming field is Muscletech. The legacy brand has recently launched a new brand called XP Sports, who is owned by MuscleTech, again according to eSports Insider. While we haven’t really talked about them on FI, we have to give them credit for cool branding and some decent formulas, they also made a big move in the eSports scene. They have just signed a 2 year contract with Lazarus, who is an asset of Tiidal Gaming.
Both are quite interesting signings, and it really shows the growing trend of sports nutrition products in the gaming field. As far as we see it, there is certainly a huge potential for growth in that field, and we’re excited what these two brands can do in the coming years.
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Final Takeaway
This is some interesting news. Of course, we are more focused on fitness here, but since we know there will be more stories just like this in the near future, we have to comment on it at least. To start, the move from GHOST is really cool to see, and actually seems authentic. The owners of GHOST certainly grew up on video games, and have that actual that actual authentic tie to it. With the owners of XSet coming from FaZe Clan, you can expect to see these guys to help make a big difference, as the gaming industry currently has very few impressive profiles.
As for the XP Gaming, who is actually owned by Iovate (Muscletech), this is cool to see as well. Not only is the industry giant taking a big step in to the gaming market, they are signing with an established organization. Of course, Muscletech doesn't have a face so to speak when it comes to gaming, so it certainly makes more sense to pair up with an already established gaming brand.
With all of that said, the biggest take from this is that it further legitimizes the sports nutrition industry in the gaming industry. There is clearly an untapped market for these sorts of products, and it's cool to see a brands like GHOST and Muscletech lead the way.