Pinnacle Ingredients, the maker of GlycerPump, informed manufactures this week that they will be updating the name to GlycerSize moving forward. The reasoning behind the name change is an impending trademark infringement case against them from a German company. To avoid the situation all-together, Pinnacle Ingredients has secured the trademark to GlycerSize.
Pinnacle Ingredients notified brands of the change and notified them to use the new name and logo moving forward on labels and on websites. The new logo will look very similar to the old logo, with PUMP being changed to SIZE in the same font and color to avoid confusing the consumer.
Per Pinnacle Ingredients, there are several countries where brands can continue to use the GlycerPump name, but they are encouraging brands to make the change to GlycerPump universal to avoid any confusion.
The risk to brands using "GlycerPump" moving forward is they may receive a letter from the German company involved in this suit. Pinnacle Ingredients is requesting any received letter to be forwarded to them immediately.
Fitness Informant POV
This is just a generic case of IP infringement. This happens all the time. This doesn't mean GlycerPump/GlycerSize is an ineffective ingredient. The reason we wanted to bring this to you is so if you buy a new pump powder or pre-workout with GlycerSize listed on the label you understand that it is same ingredient as GlycerPump, just under the new name.