MPA Supps is a brand that makes some impressive products. They are industry leaders in several categories, including their pump formula, CelluVol, as well as with their health support lineup.
We recently went through arguably their most known product VasoBurn, so go check that article out if you haven’t already. Many companies do not venture into these unorthodox categories of the supplement industry. While they may not be as sexy as a pre-workout or pump formula, MPA Supps has invested lots of time and effort to achieve success here and it has paid off bigtime.
Product Overview
Today we bring to you an in-depth breakdown on another one of their topical skin gels, VasoDry Professional. This product aims to draw out any subcutaneous water and gives a hard, dry look to the muscle.
Let’s go over the profile, and take a look at why you should consider adding VasoDry into the last few days of prep leading into your competition or special event.
MPA Supps includes a complete list of the ingredients included in VasoDry Professional on the fact panel. While we are not given an “active ingredients” list, we have broken down the most important ingredients that we feel contribute to the water-reducing effects of VasoDry. Several of the ingredients listed on the panel are solely used as solvents or carriers to give the product its clear gel-like qualities, so we have excluded those from our breakdown.
Three main ingredients contribute to the diuretic effects of this product, so let’s start with those.
You may be wondering why caffeine, the most popular sports stimulant in the world, is included in a topical skin gel. What you may not know is that caffeine has very strong diuretic properties when consumed orally in certain amounts. We see through a meta-analysis from 2015 that oral caffeine consumption around the 300mg mark, corresponded to an increase in urine volume by almost 20% when compared to the non-caffeinated group. Researchers also discovered that females were slightly more susceptible to diuretic effects than males.
MPA Supps has chosen to include caffeine in their water-pulling product as a method of subcutaneous fluid removal. We do not know exactly how much caffeine we are getting here, but nevertheless it will provide diuretic properties.
Interestingly enough, this ingredient is used medically to treat a variety of respiratory issues such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. One of the side effects of this drug is increased urine output, which gives it a diuretic-like mechanism of action. Theophylline has been studied in a clinical setting to assess its effectiveness for use as a lone diuretic, or supportive drug in critically-ill, diuretic dependent patients.
One clinical study observed fluid output in hospitalized patients who supplemented with theophylline alongside their usual pharmaceutical diuretic medication. The patients were monitored over a 24-hour period as researchers kept track of their urine output, fluid intake and diuretic dosages. The researchers found that with no significant change in fluid intake, the patients experienced a significant difference in urine output following theophylline supplementation at the 1hr and 3hr time windows.
Here we see that theophylline can enhance the overall effect of the body’s water-shedding capabilities when paired alongside other instruments. Therefore, theophylline is a great inclusion in this water-loss product as it is paired alongside several other diuretic-like substances that will surely work to eliminate subcutaneous water.
Theobromine is a naturally occurring compound that can be found in various plants and trees. The primary source of this chemical is known as the Theobroma cacao tree, which is found throughout various parts of South America. You may be very familiar with the seeds of this tree, cocoa beans, as they are used to make chocolate and other cocoa food products.
This is an interesting cognitive enhancing drug that has effects similar to that of caffeine, but has a much different mechanism of action. Theobromine also exhibits stimulant-like and diuretic properties, however it does not stimulate the nervous system in the same way as caffeine. Here we have an ingredient that can induce relaxing effects, while also being able to lower blood pressure and dilate the vessels.
Theobromine has been analyzed alongside caffeine as comparison’s were made related to their stimulatory and diuretic properties. Researchers used a double-blind method to administer participants either caffeine, theobromine, or both drugs together. It was found that theobromine did not alter sleep quality, or significantly increase urine output overnight when compared to equivalent dosages of caffeine. The conclusion was drawn that theobromine exhibits these effects, but to a much lesser degree than caffeine.
Propylene Glycol & Ethoxydiglycol
We will discuss these two ingredients together since they are used to maintain the integrity of the carrier gel and facilitate absorption of the ingredients included in the product. They do not contribute as much to the water-shedding component of VasoDry, but aim to make the product more effective as a whole.
Propylene Glycol is a non-toxic substance that is used as a skin hydrating and ingredient delivery agent. It allows the active ingredients in VasoDry to penetrate the skin more efficiently, while leaving the skin more hydrated and contributing to smoother overall look. This ingredient is also commonly used in cosmetic products to maintain their integrity at extreme temperatures, mostly to prevent freezing at low temperatures. Therefore, if you accidentally leave VasoDry in your car overnight during the winter time, it shouldn’t have a problem withstanding the cold temperatures.
Ethoxydiglycol is a common solvent carrier and viscosity reducing agent that is widely used in the cosmetic industry. It is similar to Propylene Glycol by the fact that it greatly enhances dermal penetration of the active ingredients of the product that contains it. This ingredient alongside Propylene Glycol allows VasoDry to achieve maximum efficiency.
Trans-Cinnamaldehyde Oil
Here we have an ingredient that it used in all of MPA Supps topical creams. Their entire lineup has a pleasant cinnamon-like smell, instead of the plastic aroma many competitor’s products contain. We find trans-cinnamaldehyde in this product simply for its aromatic properties.
Final Takeaway
If you haven’t already realized, MPA Supps doesn’t settle. They aren’t your bottom-tier supplement company that releases mediocre products with extreme profit margins. MPA Supps can compete with anyone in the industry across all product categories; however, you may have trouble finding a company that can compete with their topical cream lineup. Yes, we believe it is that good.
VasoDry is a product that can help you reveal that hard, sculpted physique you have been working all year for. It would be a shame to keep your hard work hidden behind a layer of subcutaneous water. If you are looking to promote a more healthy, fuller look to your physique, VasoDry would be another great weapon to add to your arsenal leading up to your special event.
For the best results, we like using VasoDry up to anywhere between 10 and 14 days out from your event. You should have little to no fat to drop at this point if you have executed your prep correctly. At this point, begin using VasoDry until show day to reveal your true definition and bring the best package possible.
We have not yet personally reviewed VasoDry from MPA Supps. Sign-up below to be alerted when our full, honest, no bullshit review goes LIVE.
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