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MuscleTech Launches New Flavors of NitroTech Whey Gold

MuscleTech NitroTech Whey Gold

MuscleTech continues to expand their NitroTech Whey Gold series of protein with new flavors. MuscleTech has officially released Chocolate Peanut Butter as the newest flavor of their premium NitroTech Whey Gold protein powder. Banana Cream is set to launch late September 2024.

MuscleTech NitroTech Whey Gold is a whey protein blend. MuscleTech uses both whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate as their protein sources in NitroTech Whey Gold. Each serving contains 24g protein.

The addition of the two new flavors of MuscleTech NitroTech Whey Gold marks eight new variations in flavors for the lineup. Banana Cream and Chocolate Peanut Butter will be limited edition flavors stocked on the company's website until they are sold out (as well as select retailers like

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Final Takeaway on MuscleTech NitroTech Whey Gold

I like a good protein blend. Chocolate Peanut Butter takes the cake for me in terms of which of these two I like better, but then again I am not a banana guy. Chocolate Peanut Butter gives you Reese's vibes up front. Banana Cream I get that "runt" like banana flavor that I am not the biggest fan of.

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