From the makers of NutraBio, one of the most well-respected brands in sports nutrition, comes UNBOUND Supplements. UNBOUND Supplements features a completely different look, feel and formulas from the parent company. UNBOUND Supplements launched on May 18th with a 30-day brick and mortar exclusive window.
UNBOUND Supplements teased their launch over a period of several weeks with some of the most clever marketing we've ever seen. The Instagram page featured just black boxes at the start, with eventually overlaying black and white photography. The media kits sent out to brick and mortar stores and influencers was extremely brilliant.
A wrench was sent to certain accounts and influencers as the "key" to unlock the constraints on us (think of what COVID did). Days later a barrel showed up featuring a bolt that needed to be unlocked by the wrench. Inside the barrel was six supplements: preworkout, powdered fat burner, pump, GDA, test booster and a muscle builder.
The pre-workout is called Unload. Unload features key ingredients like nooLVL, Alpha GPC, Zynamite, RhodioPrime, zum XR, 350mg Caffeine and more.
The fat burner is called Unlock. This fat burner features GBB, MitoBurn, ALCAR, Paradoxine, zum XR, 200mg Caffeine, Cocobuterol, InnoSlim, RhodioPrime and more to name.
The pump is called Unbent. This pump product features 3g of NO3-T nitrates, Citrulline, VasoDrive AP, HydroPrime and more.
The capsulated muscle builder is called Byld. This features Laxosterone, Mediator PA, Proepicate and more.
The GDA is a capsule formula called Slyn. This has Banaba, GS4 Plus, Momordicin, Na-R-ALA and GlucoVantage, plus more.
Lastly, the test booster is called Sauce. It features KSM-66, PrimaVue, LJ-100, Fenugreek, DIM, Boron and Apilanthes.
All six supplements are extremely impressive on look, feel and formulas.
If you are a brick and mortar store, get these into your store now. You can request them by clicking on the button below.
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Final Takeaway
LOVE this. This has been two years in the making to get to this point. The marketing execution was awesome. I knew the formulas would be rock solid, but these are next-level. Kudos to the team behind this brand. I would grab these ASAP if you are a BM. If you are a customer, request these now.