Ultimate Nutrition, once a powerhouse in sports nutrition, has abruptly closed their doors leaving over 200 employees jobless and wondering why. The brand is world-known. In the past the brand sponsored large events like the Mr. Olympia and key athletes like Phil Heath. This news comes as a shocker to the entire sports nutrition industry.
Ultimate Nutrition seemed to have a lot of good momentum on the brand. Per a source, Ultimate Nutrition was in the process of rebranding and aiming at the 2019 Olympia as the time to tease it. The company’s sales revenue was up substantially over last year, the brand secured new distribution overseas in six different countries and was on boarding with iHerb, Bodybuilding.com and Europa. The fact that the company closed abruptly after all of this is a real head scratcher.
Employees were sent an email notifying them of their termination. Those who did not receive the email walked into the corporate HQ to a letter taped on the door explaining that their employment had been terminated effective August 17, 2019. Over 200 employees were left without a job and without a reason why.
Figures within the industry have all spoken out about the abruptly closure, but we do not have a confirmed reason why. We will work on digging more to find details to release about this shocking event.
Fitness Informant’s POV
We were in the process of working with Ultimate Nutrition. In fact, we were setting a meeting for the Olympia this year to talk about how our brands could work together, so yes, this is a huge shock to us as well. Ultimate Nutrition made some really good products, and the re-brand was going to drastically help them. It is very unfortunate the way this played out. As a CEO of my own company, I could NEVER do what the CEO of Ultimate Nutrition did to their employees. An email and a note? Really? I feel for the employees who lost their jobs.
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