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NutraBio Launches Muscle Matrix Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss


NutraBio has just launched a new flavor for the protein powder Muscle Matrix blended protein powder. The new flavor is Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss, which is obviously a Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor.

Muscle Matrix is a fully transparent protein powder, and contain both Whey Protein Isolate and Micellar Casein. Muscle Matrix is currently our #1 ranked blended protein powder here on Fitness Informant.

This indicates that NutraBio will be launching a few more interesting things in the near future, so be sure to stay tuned for more updates.

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Final Takeaway

This is great to see. NutraBio Mucle Matrix is our favorite blended protein here on Fitness Informant, and there is a reason for that. Transparent protein that actually tastes very good. We look forward to trying this, and we can't wait to share what else NutraBio has in store for you all.

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