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Primeval Labs ApeShit RTD Profile Revealed

FIt Butters
Apeshit RTD

apeshitWe have some cool news here from an upcoming product from our friends over at Primeval Labs. We have been awaiting this launch for months, and now we have an official profile. 

To start, you get 6 grams of Citrulline, meaning this will deliver some nice pumps, this of course is followed by Beta-Alanine at 3.2 grams. Two of the most common ingredients in pre-workouts, now in a RTD. 

Following this come 2 grams of Taurine, which will aid with blood flow and and help prevent cramping. There are also 2 sources of Caffeine, one being Anhydrous and the other being Di-Caffeine Malate. 370mg total, most of it coming from Anhydrous, meaning this will hit heavy and hard. 

The final ingredient in here is TeaCrine® from Compound Solutions. This is technically a sedative, however at lower doses it acts as a stimulant, and can help with long lasting energy and help prevent a crash. You get 30mg in here.

Well, looks like a solid profile, and we cannot wait to get our hands on some. Be sure to stay tuned for an official launch date, and more news from Primeval Labs.

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Final Takeaway

Nice to see this. Not only do we have an awesome launch coming here, but a solid profile. A welcome addition to the growing number of RTDs launching. 

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