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Episode 4: Aaron Singerman

By June 12, 2018April 1st, 2020No Comments
FIt Butters

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About This Episode

RedCon1 CEO Aaron Singerman stops by the show to discuss his life in the world of sports nutrition. Aaron cadidly speaks about his relationship with former best friend and business partner PJ Braun and how that all transpired. Aaron talks about Dallas McCarver and his last days on this earth. We discuss the success of RedCon1 and the future of the brand, both domestically and abroad. Stack3d joins the show to talk about Ghost and Icon Meals, a new supplement brand, Swole O’Clock’s $250k watch, Swolly from MTS Nutrition and the new energy drink from Merica Labz. Subscribe today!

Topics Covered on this Show

  • Stack3d
    • Ghost & Icon Meals collaboration
    • MTS Nutrition’s Swolly supplement
    • Merica Labz new energy drink
    • Swole O’Clock’s $250k watch
    • New supplement brand
  • Aaron Singerman
    • Behind the scenes relationship details with PJ Braun
    • Relationship with Dallas McCarver and his death
    • Regrets in the business
    • RedCon1’s success across seas
    • RedCon1’s success domestically
    • Future of RedCon1

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About The Guest

Aaron Singerman

Aaron Singerman

Aaron is currently the CEO of RedCon1. He also is a business partner in Run Everything Labs and Dynamik Muscle. Aaron has been at the helm of some of the largest supplement companies in the world including Prime Nutrition and Blackstone Labs. Aaron started RedCon1 after leaving Blackstone Labs, a company he helped make one of the fastest growing companies on the Inc 500 list.

About The Host

Ryan Bucki, ISSA-CFT

Ryan Bucki is the president of Ryan started Fitness Informant in 2016 as a platform to help educate others on all topics health, wellness, fitness and supplements. Ryan worked for an online supplement company to learn the inside aspect of the supplement industry. Ryan is also a certified fitness trainer through the International Sports Sciences Association.

He is also a former professional wrestler (WWE style). Ryan wrestled professionally for 10 years, cultivating with a WWE tryout in 2003. A combination of being overweight and involved in professional wrestling got Ryan into health, fitness and supplements.

Episode 5: PJ Braun
Episode 3: Marc Lobliner

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