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Beast Sports and The Guerrilla Chemist Collaboration on Super Test Maximum [Full Label Reveal]

Beast Sports Super Test Maximum

Making a splash in 2019 is the brand Beast Sports. Yes, before you ask yourself, “Is it THAT Beast Sports?” the answer is yes. They are back to creating new products, but this time with a different approach.

Beast Sports Guerrilla ChemistSeveral weeks ago it was reported that Beast Sports was partnering with The Guerrilla Chemist on a new testosterone booster called Super Test Maximum. This is unlike Beast Sports as they have not done anything like this in recent memory. In fact, Beast Sports has been quiet overall on the innovation front. That is about to change…

Beast Sports tells us that they plan on making innovation the center of their 2019 plans, starting with Super Test Maximum. Some may refer to Beast Sports as a “legacy” brand which earns money off of their popularity and not so-much from commissions. Based on the label for Super Test Maximum, it looks like they are taking offense to the term “legacy” brand.

Super Test Maximum, as mentioned previously, was formulated with the help of The Guerrilla Chemist. The Guerrilla Chemist is well respected within the sports nutrition industry as he’s formulated some of the most popular products among consumers, including launching a line of his own recently.

Beast Sports Super Test Maximum LabelBeast Super Test Maximum uses clinical dosages of key ingredients that have clinical data to back up the effectiveness. This is not surprising given who helped formulate the product.

We start with their Pro-Testosterone Support Factors. This is not a prop blend; no need to worry. We get a hefty dosage of KSM-66 Ashwagandha at the clinical amount of 600mg. This ingredient is sold by many brands as a stand-alone ingredient. It has been shown to increase natural testosterone and sperm count. It also has been shown to reduce stress levels and elevate cognitive function. The second ingredient is 300mg Furostan which is Fenugreek standardized to 50% Steroidal Saponins. In studies with rodents, they were treated with 120mg of Tribulus terrestris L. (TT) saponins which dramatically increased the serum level of testosterone in overtraining rats to about 150% of control and 216% of overtraining groups. Depending on the percent yield. Now, this label specifically states Fenugreek standardized to 50% Saponins. Fenugreek has also been shown to increase testosterone levels and improved body composition at 500mg. This is dosed at 300mg, but another study indicated that 300mg of Fenugreek increased time to exhaustion in mice, which indicates that 300mg may be an acceptable dosage. PrimaVie is an ingredient found in many of the new testosterone boosters. PrimaVie (Shilajit) has been shown to improve sexual health. Per the manufacture of PrimaVie, it boosts free testosterone by 19% and total testosterone by 24% on a 250mg dosage 2x per day. It has also been shown to increase exercise performance. Regarding dosage, studies support a 200mg-250mg dosage. Lastly, we get Boron Citrate oat 10mg. Boron Citrate has been shown to increase testosterone levels at dosages of as low as 3mg, but it seems like the common dosage is 10mg, which is what we get in Super Test Maximum.

Next up is the Anabolic Growth Enhancer. It contains one ingredient: 5a Hydrox Laxogenin. Laxogenin is a plant-based steroid (not an illegal steroid) that has been shown to increase lean body mass and strength. Although there is not a confirmed optimal dosage, they range from 50mg-200mg per day.

Nitrix Oxide Support Factor also only contains one ingredient: S7. S7 is a new plant-based ingredient consisting of 7 different plant constitutes that has been shown to increase your body’s own nitric oxide levels by up to 230% at only a 50mg dosage. This ingredient is just coming into the market from FutureCeuticals. Increased blood flow is positive for muscular gains and sexual health. 

When taking a testosterone booster, an Estrogen Defense system should be in place. Super Test Maximum uses 200mg Japanese Knotweed (20% Resveratrol). Resveratrol is a phytoestrogen found in grapes. It is a receptor agonist, which means it mimics the body’s natural estrogen, which allows you to control your estrogen levels. You need to have some estrogen with your testosterone to ensure it works appropriately. It does not appear to have an optimal dosage, but one human study showed a dosage of 200mg (providing 40mg of Resveratrol) was effective. The other Estrogen Defense ingredient is DIM (3,3′-Diindolylmethane). DIM enhances estrogen metabolism. Studies show that it is efficient at 300mg. Other studies indicate that dosages as low as 100mg are effective.

Next up is the DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) Defense. Increased DHT can be responsible for hair loss. We start with 200mg of Pumpkin Seed Oil. Studies have shown at 400mg, Pumpkin Seed Oil can actually lead to thicker hair. The group that was given 400mg a day experienced a 40% increase in hair growth; a 200mg dosage may also be effective. Stinging Nettle Extract is dosed at 150mg. Stinging Nettle extracts of nettle root have been used to treat enlarged prostate glands by inhibiting the body’s production of the hormone DHT. It may also indirectly aid in hair growth by inhibiting DHT. Dosages of 120mg up to 3x daily seems to be effective for prostate health.

The last area of Super Test Maximum is the Liver & Kidney Support Factor. We start with 600mg N-Acetyl Cysteine. NAC has been shown to significantly decrease the serum alanine aminotransfrase (ALT). ALT is increased with liver damage. NAC has also been shown to promote more Glutathione. Glutathione can help treat fatty liver disease. Optimal dosage is not evident but research suggests 400-600mg per day. Lastly, Cranberry Fruit Extract is used at 100mg. Per studies, it appears that Cranberry Extracts can reduce hepatic inflammation and aid in fatty liver disease. No optimal dosage is set.

Beast Sports ShirtBeast Sports Super Test Maximum should go on-sale sometime in April. We’ve been told that the retail price will be $54.99 for 30-servings, which puts it inline with some of the other testosterone boosters on the market. The product will be available on, Amazon and a few select retailers. Online orders will also receive an official Beast Sports Shirt. Sign up below for an alert when Beast Sports Super Test Maximum goes on-sale. 

Fitness Informant’s POV

We’ve had numerous conversations with Beast Sports already in 2019. The conversations were based around their past success and how they are going to continue to stay relevant into the future. They told us that they need to refocus on innovation, deliver fully transparent products and be different than what they once were. This was encouraging to hear from the leadership team at Beast Sports.

It starts with Beast Sports Super Test Maximum. They wisely partnered with The Guerrilla Chemist, a friend of FI, and they are releasing a very promising testosterone booster. Traditionally you may not expect this type of formula from this brand, but per the conversations we’ve had, they know this is the future of their company. I am excited that they noticed this and are bringing a reputable test booster to market.

As I have always said with test boosters, before you purchase it is always good to get your test levels checked to ensure that you will benefit from an over-the-counter testosterone booster. If your test levels are still within the normal range, but on the lower end, Super Test Maximum could help elevate your test levels within the normal range. One thing to remember is that test booster will NOT cure hypogonadism (extremely low T) and will not put you above the anabolic threshold of testosterone. 

Good on Beast Sports for taking the first step to updating their brand image with solid product innovation.

Sign-up below for an alert when Beast Sports Super Test Maximum goes on-sale and receive deals and coupons. 

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