What was once one of the largest brands in the space, faded a bit, but now that it is back under the control of the original creator Rich Gaspari we are seeing some really cool stuff from the brand.
Gaspari Nutrition is fresh off the announcement of the return of their legendary pump supplement, PlasmaJet. Today we are bringing you a breakdown of their joint health supplement, Proven Joint™.
Product Overview
Proven Joint™ is formulated to be a comprehensive joint health supplement that aims to support soft tissue health, and minimize inflammation levels. A product like this should be consumed daily by everyone, especially those who clang and bang every week like us here at FI.
Glucosamine Sulfate – 1,200mg
Glucosamine is an ingredient that is derived from shellfish and is primarily marketed as a joint health supplement. The most common form of glucosamine we find in supplements is in the sulfate form like we have here. Glucosamine is thought to provide joint relief by preventing or slowing down degradation. Some think it also has the ability to increase collagen synthesis.
Overtime as your muscle tissue gets stronger and you begin lifting heavier loads during your training sessions, it begins to place more impact and stress on your joints. Soft tissue does not grow as fast as muscle tissue, making it extremely important to ensure proper care of your soft tissue outside of your training sessions. Chronic microdamage can lead to osteoarthritis, or even more significant injuries if it is not properly taken care of.
We see plenty of literature assessing glucosamines ability to improve collagen synthesis, or in other words, your body’s ability to heal its joints following microdamage. A study from 2009 looked at the effect 1,500 and 3,000mg of glucosamine has on cartilage metabolism. This study had a control group which consisted of non-athletes, and an experimental group of athletes (soccer players in this case). The effects of glucosamine supplementation were recorded over a span of 3 months. Researchers found that the athletes had an increase in cartilage metabolism compared to their baseline values measured before supplementation.
This ingredient is often times used on arthritis patients as a means to manage pain. This use of glucosamine is not well studied or proven; however one meta-analysis found that oral glucosamine supplementation in the sulfate form was able to provide a small decrease in arthritis-related pain in an overwhelming majority of participants.
Research typically shows benefit from glucosamine supplementation when it is used at doses above 1,000mg. It is also to note that many trials reveal many of the joint-related benefits are largely dose dependent, so the more we have the better. We are getting 1,200mg of glucosamine here with Proven Joint™.
Chondroitin Sulfate – 500mg
Chondroitin is a supplement that is similar to glucosamine in regards to how they can help with joint pain and health. These two ingredients are almost always seen included alongside one another in joint formulas. It is thought that chondroitin supplementation can reduce joint pain and possibly improve arthritis-related mobility and function.
You will not find an overwhelming amount of reliable literature that supports the use of chondroitin as a successful treatment for arthritis-related pain. Many of the studies that shown benefit have a smaller population size and are highly subject to statistical chance or poor experimental design. Many of the larger studies, which are more reliable, seem to push towards the fact that chondroitin supplementation has little to no effect on joint health or recovery, especially acutely. While we do not have loads of promising literature related to its use, anecdotal evidence is primarily what fuels the use of chondroitin as a method of treatment.
We see this through a meta-analysis performed by a team of researchers on fifteen different studies regarding chondroitin and its effects on osteoarthritis. The researchers concluded that many of the trials on chondroitin supplementation demonstrated moderate to large changes on symptoms of osteoarthritis, however they also added that “quality issues and likely publication bias suggest that these effects are exaggerated”. The researchers note that even though the studies are likely biased and exaggerated, chondroitin supplementation does appear to provide benefit in cases used as a treatment of osteoarthritis symptoms.
Typically, we see chondroitin supplementation most effective around the 800mg range. However, many supplements choose to use this ingredient at 500mg. That is how much we are getting here.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) – 500mg
MSM is an organic chemical that is found in many forms of life, including many green plants. It has become a popular form of natural pain relief, even though it still needs more literature to fully support its use. It is a popular ingredient in joint health formulas for its ability to combat arthritis-like symptoms including joint degradation and inflammation.
The main benefit we see in literature from MSM is the ability to reduce inflammation in patients with chronic osteoarthritis. The improvements were made over the course of 12-weeks in this case, however they were not able to determine if the changes made were of any clinical significance.
The largest benefit to avid gym-goers, in my opinion, is the potential of MSM to improve joint mobility. It has been noted that MSM has provided success in improving functional ability and joint mobility in osteoarthritic patients. However, the effects of this ingredient have not been studied in a population of participants with healthy joints.
One incongruency between literature and the dosages used across the supplement industry regarding MSM, is that almost all clinical trials use aggressive dosages ranging from 3 to 6 grams. It is unlikely to see a supplement with a dosage of MSM in that range. We are getting 500mg of MSM here from Gaspari Nutrition.
White Willow Bark Extract (25% Salicin) – 300mg
This herbal extract has been used for many centuries in folk and traditional medicines as a remedy to pain, inflammation and fever. The active ingredient is salicin, which has a synthetic version that is possibly the most commonly used over-the-counter (OTC) medication across the entire world, aspirin.
We have interest in this ingredient in the dietary supplement industry for its use as an alternative to OTC drugs such as aspirin, Advil or Aleve. Salicin is converted to salicylic acid once inside the body, where it then targets and inhibits the activity of enzymes that are known to trigger pain and inflammation. Willow bark extract is used today by some alternative practitioners since it has been shown to provide relief in many pain disorders, including osteoarthritis.
In one clinical study, 78 participants with osteoarthritis were given either 240mg of salicin daily or a placebo. The trial period lasted 2-weeks, and the pain levels were reassessed using the WOMAC osteoarthritis index. The researchers found that with 2-weeks of treatment, pain levels were decreased by an average of 14% in the individuals who supplemented with salicin daily.
Another study involved the comparison between 240mg salicin or 100mg of a pain medication, Voltaren, as possible treatments for patients with osteoarthritis pain of the knee. This trial lasted a period of 6-weeks and had a larger population size which included 127 participants. It was found at the end of the trial period that the group supplementing with Voltaren had reduced pain scores by 47%, while the salicin group had reduced pain scores by only 18%. The researchers concluded that while salicin can reduce osteoarthritis-related pain to some degree, it is less effective than its pharmaceutical counterparts.
Research is consistent with the use of around 240mg of salicin daily. When supplementing in this range, it has reliably shown to be effective at providing some relief in arthritic-related pain. We are getting 300mg of willow bark extract here which is standardized to 25% salicin, yielding 75mg. This dose is not on par with the studies we see supporting the use of this ingredient.
Turmeric Root Extract (95% Curcumin) – 250mg
Turmeric is a root that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and has been known for a vast variety of different uses. Turmeric extract contains a bioactive compound known as curcumin which is standardized to 95% in this product. Curcumin is the component that provides the anti-inflammatory and pain benefits we are interested in.
Curcumin inhibits enzymes that produce inflammatory compounds, while also increasing levels of endogenous antioxidants. Research shows the ability of curcumin to provide some pain relief in osteoarthritis patients while also improving joint function in some cases. Various studies have also linked supplementation to a reduced state of depression and anxiety.
A study from 2019 analyzes curcumin alongside a pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drug, diclofenac. Researchers had a population size of 139 osteoarthritis patients who were randomly assigned either 1500mg of curcumin or 100mg of diclofenac daily. At the conclusion of the 4-week trial, it was found that curcumin supplementation offered similar efficacy compared to its pharmaceutical opponent. However, the curcumin group tolerated the supplementation much better and had little to no side effects. Several individuals of the diclofenac group experienced mild side effects, including 28% requiring another drug to combat them. However, this is a large dose of curcumin that is not typical of joint health formulas, but this study firmly supports the large dose.
A 2014 study assigned 53 osteoarthritic knee patients 1,425mg of curcumin daily alongside 15mg of piperine extract (absorption agent) for a period of 6 weeks. The researchers found that at the end of the trial period, the experimental curcumin group experienced significant decreases in their WOMAC score indicating joint health improvement. In addition, the participants of the experimental group also reported improvements in both their pain and physical function markers.
We do have one huge complaint with this formula regarding the use of turmeric extract. It is important to note that piperine (black pepper extract) should ALWAYS be used alongside turmeric because the active ingredient, curcumin, has an almost non-existent absorption rate by itself. Gaspari Nutrition did not include piperine in this formula, so it is highly likely that we are getting no benefit from turmeric at all.
Research suggests turmeric extract be taken at around 500mg alongside piperine to assist with the absorption of curcumin. Gaspari Nutrition gives us 250mg of turmeric extract but we have no piperine to accompany this.
Boswellia Serrata Extract (65% Boswellin) – 150mg
Boswellia extract comes from the Boswellia Serrata tree. It is a gum resin that is also used as frankincense, which is burned for its pleasant aroma. The use of Boswellia extract goes back centuries as it was used in many forms of traditional medicine including Ayurvedic, Chinese and various regions of the Middle East.
The primary benefit of Boswellia comes from the active component known as Boswellin. This bioactive component is thought to have some anti-inflammatory benefits that may specifically target the joints. Studies have also shown that this ingredient may provide some pain relief, while also improving mobility.
One study found that the extract was successful at providing participants with anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and analgesic properties. This study was a randomized double-blind trial that consisted of 30 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. 15 participants were assigned about 215mg of the boswellin and 15 assigned a placebo for a length of 8-weeks. Every single patient who received drug treatment had improved knee flexion, decrease in pain, and even increased walking distances. It is also to mention that the frequency of swelling in the joint decreased as well.
Two researchers in 2014 conducted a large meta-analysis including forty-nine different clinical trials regarding the use of boswellia extract as a treatment for osteoarthritis. It was concluded that boswellia extract shows promise as a source of moderate-relief of symptoms over the short-term. However, when used as a long-term treatment the literature is less convincing. It was noted that further studies are required to determine the optimum daily dose that will provide clinically significant benefits while minimizing adverse events.
When supplementing using boswellia serrata extract like we have in this product, it is recommended that you get around 2,000mg per day. However, you likely will not see products dosed this high. We have 150mg per serving with Proven Joint™.
Ginger Extract (10:1) – 150mg
Ginger is a spice that has been historically used throughout many types of traditional medicine. It has been very successful at reducing nausea and easing digestion, however, research has shown some promise in its ability to decrease inflammation and symptoms of osteoarthritis.
One meta-analysis performed in 2015 aimed to determine the efficacy of ginger extract in providing relief as a form of treatment for osteoarthritis. The researchers narrowed their search down to 5 studies that appeared to be most unbiased. It was found the ginger is considered to be a moderately efficacious and reasonably safe treatment of osteoarthritis. The sample size and degree of symptom improvement were all considered as the researchers were developing this conclusion.
The degree of consistency between studies showing ginger extracts ability to improve symptoms of osteoarthritis is very low. It is seen as far superior to over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen at managing symptoms of arthritis. One study compared the effectiveness of both ginger extract and ibuprofen at managing symptoms and found that ginger extract provided little to no benefit even when compared to the placebo in the trial.
When supplementing with ginger extract for inflammation purposes, we typically see doses around the 1,000mg range. We are getting 150mg here from Gaspari Nutrition.
Hyaluronic Acid – 100mg
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a naturally occurring sugar that is found in our skin and joints. Its primary function is to hold water and increase lubrication and hydration. There has also been evidence of its ability to promote growth of cartilage and bone, and also work to reduce inflammation.
As we get older, the amount of HA in our skin and joints decreases, therefore decreasing the amount of lubrication and hydration that was present during our younger years. It is common to see HA administered in the form of injection directly into joints in an attempt to provide relief from arthritis associated pain. While there is a general consensus in the medical field that HA via injection into the joint provides some degree of benefit and relief, studies regarding supplementation via oral route are severely lacking.
One study from 2008 analyzed the effects of oral supplementation of HA in twenty patients who presented with knee osteoarthritis symptoms for greater than 6 months. The experimental group was given 80mg daily for 8 weeks. At the conclusion of the trial, the experimental group experiences significance increases in the WOMAC physical function scale. This study demonstrates hope that oral supplementation of HA could provide some benefit and relief, however the study was rather small with only 10 subjects receiving HA.
The average oral HA supplement on the market is usually between 100-200mg per serving. The few studies regarding oral supplementation of HA range between 60-200mg daily. Gaspari Nutrition is giving us 100mg per serving with Proven Joint™.
Cat’s Claw Extract – 100mg
Contrary to what you are probably thinking, cat’s claw extract does not actually come from cats. It actually comes from a tropical vine which is named for its hooked thorns that closely resemble the claws of a cat. This is an ingredient with vast uses throughout the history of traditional medicine. We are interested in the claims regarding arthritis improvement and joint health.
Many doctors and researchers believe the many benefits of cat’s claw come from its anti-inflammatory properties, resulting in a reduction of pain, inflammation and stiffness for the user. More research is needed to reliably administer cat’s claw in a clinical setting as a treatment for osteoarthritis.
One clinical trial from the Journal of Inflammation administered cat’s claw extract at 100mg daily to patients with osteoarthritis. However, this study administered cat’s claw alongside another drug, sierrasil, making it difficult to determine if these results are replicable in treatment with cat’s claw alone. Initially, the study shows improvement in both joint pain and function. These benefits were not sustained over the full 8-week trial period.
We see many studies regarding joint health using dosages of around 100mg. We are getting just that here with Proven Joint™.
Bromelain – 100mg
Bromelain is an ingredient that is extracted from pineapples. It is a collection of protein-digestive enzymes that can be digested and have effects on the body outside of the digestive tract. Bromelain has been noted to improve recovery, cardiovascular health and also decrease inflammation markers.
It has been found that bromelain is effective at reducing joint inflammation and pain in acute injuries. Studies conducted regarding inflammation and pain also provide evidence that bromelain supplementation benefits are highly dose dependent. We see that as the dosage is increase, the inflammation and pain markers are reduced to a higher degree.
It is also interesting to note that the studies performed on osteoarthritis patients warranted no benefit from supplementation. Many of the other ingredients included in this formula seemed to provide more relief for individuals battling chronic forms of joint pain (arthritis), while bromelain seems like it would be more beneficial to people who suffer acute joint damage.
Bromelain has been shown to provide relief at dosages above 200mg. Studies have shown the best results coming from a 400mg daily dose. Gaspari Nutrition is only giving us 100mg of bromelain.
Final Takeaway
Gaspari Nutrition brings to us a joint health formula that provides a strong dose of several ingredients, but lacks on some as well. This product uses ingredients that have strong scientific backing although not always matching doses used in the clinical trials.
We would really like to see piperine used in this formula so the user can benefit from the turmeric extract that is included. The addition of piperine might also improve the absorption of the rest of the ingredients in this formula as well.
Proven Joint™ is product that should be used over the long term. It is important to realize that joint care is an ongoing process and you may not realize benefits or changes immediately. However, choosing to supplement with a joint health product such as this one will benefit anyone in the long run. Purchasing a product such as this one is an amazing investment into your health that.
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