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NewsThe Genius Brand

Genius Brand Shot of Genius: Shots to Get Focused, Not Drunk!

The Genius Brand Genius Shot

When you walk into a C-Store one of the first things you always see are “energy” shots. You know what you don’t see? Shots that improve our cognitive ability has human beings. That was, until now. The Genius Brand has created what they call the Genius Shot to give you a “shot” of focus when needed.

The Genius Brand Genius Shot

The Genius Brand is certainly doing its part to making you a genius. The Genius Brand already has several products in the nootropic category, examples being Genius Mindfulness and Genius Consciousness. Well, now you can take your nootropics with on-the-go. 

With the growing popularity of nootropics, it makes sense that the Genius Brand would them too their already impressive line of supplements. With energy drinks and energy shots being a growing category, Shot of Genius is a solid addition to the market.

Let’s dive into the ingredients in Genius Shot which make up this cognitive enhancing product.

The Genius Brand Genius Shot labelN-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine – 760mg

First off, Shot of Genius provides 760mg of NALT, which is Tyrosine. Tyrosine is an ingredient that is already very popular and proven. Tyrosine has been studied to be beneficial working memory, and is a welcome addition to any nootropic. 

At 760mg, this is a solid dose and we have nothing to complain about here. Really, it’s actually quite impressive for an RTD.

AlphaSize® – 300mg (yielding 150mg Alpha-GPC)

Next up, we have one of our favorite forms of Choline, that being Alpha-GPC. Alpha-GPC has been shown to have a multitude of benefits. A study showed Alpha-GPC to increase mental cognition when compared to caffeine and placebo. 

In Shot of Genius, you get 300mg of Alpha-GPC, which will yield 150mg. This is half-dosed, but could still be effective for many of us. It’s hard to expect an RTD to come through with a decent dose of Alpha-GPC, and we can’t say it’s simply pixie dusted in here.

Natural Caffeine from Coffee Bean – 100mg (98%)

Now we come to a staple in any energy shot, Caffeine. Caffeine needs no introduction, we all know what caffeine does and what to expect from it. If you’re curious, check out our writeup on Caffeine.

In here, we get 98mg of Caffeine, which is equal to about a cup of coffee. This is a nice change up from the Caffeine loaded energy supplement we’ve seen on the market lately. Too much caffeine can actually impair focus, so this being on the lower side is nice to see. 

L-Theanine – 100mg

L-Theanine is a widely used ingredient that seems to be growing in popularity. Theanine is known for its ability to reduce anxiety without inducing drowsiness. You’ll find it in many pre-workouts these days in order to combat the unwanted side effects of pre-workouts such as jitteriness and anxiety. You’ll also find it in some sleep aids. Theanine also goes well with caffeine, as there is a study showing them to have synergistic effects.

In here, it’s dosed at 100mg, which is good, especially if you’ve never taken Theanine before. We are not looking for a dose that will relax us, but rather one to aid with reducing anxiety to a degree and work synergistically with caffeine. Shot of Genius will certainly put you in a solid state of mind.

Blueberry Leaf Extract – 100mg

Lastly, we have Blueberry Leaf Extract, which is a source of antioxidants/flavonoids. Blueberries have been shown to be potentially beneficial for cognitive function overall, along with all of the known health benefits.

Since there isn’t a huge amount of research on Blueberry Extract as of yet, there isn’t a set optimal dose as of yet. However, 100mg in an RTD is certainly more than expected. 

Final Takeaway

Shot of Genius is one of the better energy shots on the market. What’s really nice, is that it doesn’t rely on a huge dose of caffeine to give you energy. Instead, you get NALT and Alpha-GPC at doses that may be effective, with just enough caffeine to keep you going without a crash to follow. 

If you’re one to enjoy a cup of coffee midday but hate the crash associated with it, or if energy drinks make you jittery and impair your focus, Shot of Genius may be worth keeping around to give you a shot that does more than just “give you energy”. 

The Genius Brand Genius Shot
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