Deck the halls! It is that time of year again and GHOST is taking on the holiday season hard with their seasonal flavors of GHOST Whey. This year we are getting Frosted Sugar Cookie on 12.17.
Last year's special flavors included White Chocolate Peppermint Bark and Snickerdoodle. Frosted Sugar Cookie has been in the works for some-time from the brand and will be in high demand.
GHOST Whey Frosted Sugar Cookie will be 150 calories per serving packing in 25g of protein.
Users can buy Frosted Sugar Cookie at 12pm CT on 12.17 at GHOSTLifestyle.com.
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Final Takeaway
We have not tried this year, but if you call one of our favorite proteins of all-time is a sugar cookie base protein powder. It will be interesting to see GHOST's take on it, but considering that they have done a great job flavoring their proteins we are not a bit concerned.