Glaxon has officially joined the protein wars. The brand is launching Protos Whey and Protos Vegan on Black Friday.
Protos Whey will be a blend of Whey Protein Isolate, Micellar Casein, non-fat dry whole milk, NeoShield MFGM and PeptoPro Caseine Hydrolysate for a total of 22.6g protein per serving. It will also contain 2g Velositol per serving. NeoShield is a healthy fat source that also contains protein. ProHydrolase is also used aid in protein digestion. Glaxon Protos Whey will be launching in Chocolate Milk flavor.
Protos Vegan will be launching in Chocolate Raspberry Truffle flavor. It will contain 23g protein per serving. Protos Vegan will be a complete protein source from multiple sources of plant-based proteins.
There will be a limited supply available for launch on Black Friday.
Final Takeaway
A lot of people been asking for this, and with protein prices where they are at I almost didn't think this would happen. I have not tried them yet. I love the protein sources in the whey, a mix between fast and slow digestion proteins with the added boost of Velositol and ProHydrolase.