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Grenade’s New Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Carb Killa Protein Bar Is Delightful

Grenade's Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel

Grenade has been featured on FI several times in the past with new protein bar launches and delicious takes on healthy recipes, including Puppy Chow, Cheesecake and Donuts. The popularity of the brand overseas is massive, while they look to gain more ground in the United States. Grenade not only makes protein bars, but they also make protein spreads under their Carb Killa product line.

The newest launch in the US is their Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Carb Killa Bar. It is simple math, chocolate chips + salted caramel = winning. Grenade's newest protein bar sits high in the rankings for best protein bar by the brand and in the industry as a whole.

Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel

Grenade does Salted well. Up until now nothing touched their White Chocolate Salted Peanut. That was for sure the brand's GOAT (in our humble opinon), but Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel is right on the heels, if not in the top spot for the brand.

A lot of people love that sweet and salty flavor profile of snacks and bars. We will get into taste in a minute but that's really the route that Grenade went. If you walk down the main granola bar aisle of any major grocery store, the "sweet & salty" snacks are always the ones that get the most attention and velocity. Finding a way to incorporate that into a bar is a win for any brand. Grenade has done a nice job of that.

Grenade Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel

The most important elements of any protein bar, in no particular order, are taste, texture and macros. We are going to dive into each of these separately for you.

Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Taste

You ever heard of the candy bar Milky Way? Of course you have! That's what Grenade's Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel reminded me off. The flavor closely resembles a Milky Way in our opinion.

FIt Butters

Let's first talk about the chocolate flavor. This isn't a dark chocolate flavor, but more of a semi-sweet milk chocolate. It is actually very nice. If you've ever had Dutch chocolate before, it minds us of that. If you're looking for that "bitterness" of dark chocolate you won't find that here.

After you get through the chocolate you get to the salted caramel mix. Typically, in our experience, the term "salted caramel" is overdone and underwhelming. However, Grenade did it good. You get the saltiness right away, but isn't too strong. You get that nice salty taste on your tongue without turning you off from the product. Soon thereafter you get the rush of caramel.

Caramel is the winning flavor in this bar. It is wonderful. The salt mixes in with the caramel to provide a very nice bite. It doesn't seem like you're eating a protein bar at all. It does taste like you're eating a candy bar, but it isn't. You almost feel naughty eating this, but just know that it is contributing to your gains.

Back to the caramel, it is great. It doesn't taste like an artificial caramel, but a real, legit caramel. The combination of caramel, salt and chocolate makes this one of the best tasting protein bars on the market.

Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel


We've all had dry, chewy and quite frankly off putting textures in protein bars. You will NOT get that with this version of Carb Killa from Grenade.

The exterior shell is dipped in chocolate, as well as contains chocolate chips. It is not chocolate overload, but it is nice and soft making the bite very easy. The chocolate chips are not hard, they are soft just like the shell, but it does provide a nice complimentary texture to a rather soft protein bar. We would say that it is still soft, but more firm that the rest of the bar making it a nice addition.

Below the chocolate exterior you get into the first layer which is caramel. Some caramel can be hard to bite through, that is not the case with Grenade's Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel bar. Your teeth sink right into and through the caramel. If you pull the bar away from you the caramel may actually do that thing where it looks like you have a string of caramel coming from your mouth.

The winning layer for texture in the bar is the nugget area. This is where it reminds us of a Milky Way. You know how soft those candy bars are? You find that in this bar with the nugget layer being the softest of the layers. This layer almost melts in your mouth as well, making it super tasty and fun.

Grenade Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Texture

You can visually see all three layers in the photo above. The caramel layer is obviously the thinnest, but it is the tastiest. The nugget layer is the thickest, but it is the softest. The external shell and chocolate chips provides the firmness you want to compliment the rest of the bar.

Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Macros

You’re not going to call a protein bar Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel and NOT have loads of chocolate. The first ingredient in this bar is chocolate, which consists of milk chocolate which we mentioned in the taste section. Don’t let this alarm you. The first ingredient of the chocolate is Maltitol, which is a sugar alcohol. Yes, this is still considered a carb, but it isn’t real sugar.

Chocolate Chip Salted CaramelAfter chocolate, the first ingredient is the protein blend. The protein blend contains Calcium Caseinate and Whey Protein Isolate. Both protein sources are solid and provide different rates of digestion. It is nice to see isolate being used in the protein bar.

We did mention that this bar contains sugar alcohols. If you have issues with these, we recommend you do not take this bar. However, for the most of us, this bar will be just fine.

Each bar contains the following macros:

Calories: 226
Fats: 9.5g
Carbs: 20g
Protein: 20g

The gold standard in protein bars is to hit that mark of 20g protein per bar. There is a higher content of carbs but that comes from the sugar alcohols which are recorded as a carb. Overall, Grenade hit 20g protein per bar while making a bar that tastes absolutely phenomenal.

Final Takeaway

I will be honest, this is ranked #1 or #2 for me with White Chocolate Salted Peanut. Both of these bars taste phenomenal and have great texture. I would love less carbs since it isn't oat or peanut butter based, but I understand nutrition and at the end of the day, a bar at 220 calories is a solid snack option. I give this one two thumbs up!

Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel Grenade

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