MuscleSport is getting in on the fun of the Game of Thrones return to HBO by showcasing their White Dragon Rhino Black pre-workout. Unlike other brands, who are doing a special limited edition launch, White Dragon is NOT a limited edition flavor. In fact, this is a flavor that MuscleSport has been making for quite some time. MuscleSport updated the name of this pre-workout a month ago to White Dragon.
White Dragon's flavor profile is very similar to the White Monster energy drink flavor. It seems many brands are taking advantage of the popularity by creating flavor profiles similar.
White Dragon is available for purchase at the MuscleSport website.
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Fitness Informant's POV
I guess I am one of the few people left on the planet who has never watched Game of Thrones. Honestly, I don't have the time. I also have never had the White Monster, but I have heard that it is a solid flavor that people love. I enjoy brands leveraging big days in entertainment to showcase their products.
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