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Three Years Ago The World Discovered NutraBio

NutraBio has been in business since 1996, but it wasn’t until 2016 that the world truly knew who NutraBio was. That year everything changed for NutraBio, all because of a false claim made about them from Jim Stoppani.

Jym Questions NutraBioIn May 2016, Jim Stoppani decided to make the claims that his protein, Pro Jym, was the only non-proprietary protein on the market. This was false. There were several other brands that also had non-proprietary protein formulas. One of those brands was NutraBio. Previous to the video that Jim did for YouTube, he responded to a NutraBio fan regarding NutraBio’s Muscle Matrix protein.

Jim questioned the accuracy of NutraBio’s label, and therefor the integrity of the product and the brand. 

Remember, there are companies who have flat out lied. This is suspect.

Days later is when Jim went on YouTube and posted that his brand was the only brand that had a fully disclosed protein.

NutraBio CEO Mark Glazier, largely unknown at this time, decided to stand-up for his protein and, more importantly, his brand and the industry. NutraBio published their rebuttal video in June of 2016. That video went viral. Jim’s video has received under 8,000 views as of this writing. Mark’s video has been viewed over 205,000 times.

NutraBio may have been in business since 1996, but it wasn’t until 20 years later that the world truly discovered the brand, what they stood for and what they meant to the industry.

Fitness Informant’s POV

In full candor, I had no clue who NutraBio was prior to this video. This is the whole reason I know who NutraBio is today, why I believe in them and why their CEO Mark Glazier is a personal friend of mine. I, like many of you, was buying prop blends, cheap proteins and just cheap supplements overall for the most part. I saw this video posted on, and it changed the way I thought about this space. 

You would think being involved in the industry in 2014 would have been the game changer. No. This video was the game changer for me. It was also the game changer for NutraBio. NutraBio wasn’t carried at a lot of locations prior to 2016. In 2017 the brand did their first over Olympia Expo. They ended up being the Breakout Brand of the Year at They got accepted into GNC. Their dollar volume grew. The brand boomed after 2016; specifically after this video. I don’t know if Mark should thank Jim, but Jim’s ignorance brought out the best in Mark and in NutraBio.

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