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NewsOlympus Lyfestyle

Olympus Lyfestyle Debuting Soon

By September 12, 2019September 13th, 2019No Comments
Olympus Lyfestyle

What was once old is new again. Olympus Lyfestyle, formally known as Olympus Labs, is set to debut soon. The brand is being described as a healthy lifestyle brand aimed at showing consumers the rewards of feeling and looking good through healthy lifestyle choices.

Olympus Lyfestyle will NOT be just a supplement brand. Although not much is known about the categories the brand will be in, they are using the tag line, "Feel Good To Look Good," and "Live Life With Style," which may indicate the brand will be diving into categories such as apparel.

We do not have an ETA when the brand will officially launch its first product line, but sign-up below to be alerted about OL updates.

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Fitness Informant's POV

I have been on the inside of this transformation for sometime. It appears the team at OL is looking at the bigger picture of health. Although I do not know when the brand will officially launch, they have been teasing things over the course of the past couple months, including a title sponsorship at an EDM festival in Queens, NY.

One thing we do know, regarding their supplements, we can expect the same kind of innovation we've come to expect from the OL team.

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