Performax Labs keeps chugging along on their 2021 launch train campaign with the reveal of the ingredients behind the new look, reformulated OxyMax. OxyMax is the brand’s capsule fat burner. The reformulated version of OxyMax is similar to the old with several key changes.
The updated label features newer ingredients found in other Performax Labs products. NeuroPEA, which is a form of Eria Jarensis, also found in HyperMax-3D, is dosed at 2o0mg. Eria Jarensis can boost mood and energy levels. Some research suggests is may even suppress appetite. Caffeine Anhydrous is dosed at 200mg. This ingredient is self explanatory.
ThinFen, another ingredient found in their new HyperMax-3D, is dosed at 100mg. This is PEA, which is a mood enhancing ingredient. This can also contribute to overall focus. This is a lower dosage than you will find in HyperMax-3D (400mg).
Infinergy, a branded version of Di-Caffeine Malate, is dosed at 75mg. This type of caffeine combines caffeine with malic acid to prolong the impact of caffeine. It yeilds approximately 75% caffeine giving this formula approximately 256mg total caffeine.
Cocobuterol, an ingredient elected to replace the former Hordenine and Higenamine, is dosed at 50mg. You will also find this in the new HyperMax-3D. This is a theobromine type ingredient that can increase body temperature and aid in energy production.
Paradoxine, a branded version of Grains of Paradise, is dosed at 40mg. This will elevate body temperature and help increase metabolism.
Citrus Aurantium, or commonly known as Synepherine, is dosed at 25mg. This is a stimulant that pairs well with caffeine to provide long energy and potential fat loss benefits. We commonly see this dosed at 50mg.
ProGBB, an ingredient described as Carnitine on steroids, is dosed at 25mg. This ingredient will elevate body temperature and increase perspiration.
Fucoxanthin is used at 8mg, this is at the top of the recommended dosage. It has been shown to increase metabolism.
Rauwolfia Vomitoria is dosed at 2mg. This is also known at Yohimbine. When combined with caffeine it has a lot of fat burning properties.
BioPerine is used for ingredient absorption.
Overall this new formula is stacked. It is an upgraded formula from OxyMax 1.0.
This is available now at Performax Labs’ website.
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Final Takeaway
This is a really nice capsule formula. Performax Labs used to make a fat burner called FitMax which was one of my favorites. I didn't love the old OxyMax, but I like this formula on paper. We will obviously have to put it to the test, but so far I like what I see and I like what I have experienced.