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RedCon1 Previews New Vegan Protein Green Beret

Green Beret Preview

We got our first look at Green Beret, the first vegan protein from RedCon1, today. RedCon1 announced in February it would get into the vegan protein market, an area that they underserved, until now. CEO Aaron Singerman told us that if it wasn’t for the flavor being so remarkable, he wouldn’t have gave the green light to Green Beret. Many RedCon1 fans have been asking for it, and now they are getting their first vegan protein.

Green Beret LabelGreen Beret uses Pea Protein Isolate as the main source of protein. Pea Protein has superior benefits over other forms of vegan proteins, used by many of the organic food companies in America as well. Brown Rice Protein and Quinoa Protein round out the three protein sources. With each serving we are getting 20g vegan protein. We also get 2g fat and 5g carbs. There are 3g Sugar Alcohols included. 

Green Beret is only 120 calories per serving as well, making this a great choice for those who are closely monitoring their macros.

Two other ingredients to note, we get coconut water powder used and stevia for the sweetener, along with Erythritol.

 No word yet on the official launch or how many flavors,  but we will keep you updated here at FI.

Fitness Informant’s POV

Nice to see the label on Green Beret. Hats off to RedCon1 for leading with Pea Protein Isolate. It is a good quality source of protein (granted not as high quality as soy but much cleaner) as well as some benefits to the earth too (for those who care about that sort of thing). I like the profile, and I am super curious about the taste. I am not vegan, nor have I had many vegan proteins, but would be willing to bet if Singerman says this tastes phenomenal, that it does.

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