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RedCon1 Total War RTD Now Available

By December 31, 2018January 3rd, 2019No Comments
FIt Butters
Total War RedCon1

Finally, the new RedCon1 Total War RTD is available to purchase here for $34.99 (use code INFORMANT to save 10%) for a 12-pack. The are available in Grape and Sour Gummy Worms. Total War is a very popular pre-workout powder available in many retail outlets, but RedCon1 wanted to provide a solution for those on-the-go. Instead of getting into the overcrowded caffeinated RTD space, RedCon1 decided to give a fully dosed pre-workout to the consumer.

Total War RTD LabelTotal War RTD from RedCon1 is a fully loaded, fully dosed pre-workout with only one slight change. The Total War RTD is missing two ingredients from the Total War powder. They are: Naringin and BioPerine. Naringin is a Citrus Flavonoid, that can be used to help burn fat and produce energy. BioPerine helps with ingredient absorption. These were removed due to the solubility in water and flavor – RedCon1 needed to get this right.

These will be available through Europa, a major sports nutrition distributor to gyms and retail outlets as well as

Fitness Informant’s POV

I had the pleasure of trying this when I was in Florida for a recent trip. The flavor was solid. I was surprised how close to sour gummy worms they got it. The other thing I was surprised about was the fact there was no visible particles in the liquid.

In terms of effectiveness, it is good energy with good focus. You can feel the Beta-Alaine as well. For a full review we would need to run several of these, but based on the first run, this is one of the best pre-workout RTD options on the market.

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