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RedCon1 Total War Launches in Walmart at a Premium Price

By November 23, 2020No Comments
FIt Butters
Redcon1 Walmart

RedCon1 is officially on the shelves at the the largest retailer in world, Walmart. The brand’s flagship pre-workout product Total War is showing up on Walmart shelves across America.

RedCon1 Total War WalmartRedCon1 CEO Aaron Singerman called the Walmart deal the biggest deal in the company’s short history. The thing Aaron was most proud of was that fact that the brand did not have to pull anything out of the product, or water down the formula to meet Walmart’s price point.

Total War will retail at Walmart for $39.99, nearly double the price of Cellucor’s C4 pre-workout. RedCon1’s Total War will become the first “premium” dietary supplement sold on Walmart shelves. No other competitors pre-workout retails above $25 at Walmart. As seen in the photo, C4 retails for $23.99.

The Walmart version of RedCon1 Total War will be the same version consumers can find at and other retailers across the country. RedCon1 becomes the first brand to go into Walmart at full price.

The brand will have more SKUs hit the shelves at Walmart. A quick search online shows products like Double Tap also being available from the retail giant.

Visit your local Walmart today to see if RedCon1 is on your shelf.

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Final Takeaway

This is a HUGE deal for our space. Why? RedCon1 is going into Walmart with the goal of proving that a premium priced brand can make it on their shelves. If successful it opens the door to multiple other brands to go into the giant retailer and succeed.

If you are a "competing" brand, you should be screaming at the top of your lungs rooting the team at RedCon1 on. This is a win for consumers and brand's alike.

Best of luck to RedCon1. Kill it!

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