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Revive MD Brain+: An Additional Boost For Your Brain

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We start off every Revive MD article with the same message, and it never gets old. In an industry filled with stim-laden pre-workouts, sketchy fat burners, and prohormones... Revive MD is here to remind you that you are human, and your health needs to be taken seriously. Of course we all love our pre-workouts and stimulants, but we still advise everyone to take their health seriously first. 

Today, we take a look at Brain+, a nootropic supplement from Revive MD. Brain+ is meant to help with brain health, improved mood, focus, and a better sense of well-being. Brain+ has a solid profile, which we will get into, and comes in capsule form. It makes for a great product to start you day off with, especially for those who are trying to avoid Caffeine but still want a boost in their productivity. With that said, let's take a look at what Brain+ contains.

Revive MD Brain+ Ingredient Profile

Lithium Orotate – 400mcg

Lithium Orotate is a mineral that has quite a few benefits for brain health, and is common in Nootropic ingredients. One study actually showed Lithium Orotate at 400mcg to be beneficial for mood-enhancement when compared to a placebo. This study was done on recovering addicts, something to take into account. With that said, there is a rabbit hole to go into with Lithium. 

At 400mcg, it is at a good dose.

Revive MD Brain Plus LabelAlpha GPC – 600mg

Alpha GPC is a very popular nootropic supplement meant to aid with focus. Alpha GPC is a source of Choline that has a high bioavailability. Many brands use Choline Bitartrate, which has poor bioavailability. 

Choline converts to Acetylcholine in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter. It is usually the first ingredient people recommend as a nootropic, and it is a proven ingredient. 

At 600mg, Alpha GPC is a at a clinical dose.

Phosphatidylserine – 100mg

Phosphatidylserine is the next ingredient in Brain+, and we love the addition. PS is an ingredient that is growing in popularity, and we wish we saw more of it. It has man y uses, and most people think of it as a way to reduce stress. This is true of course, however it has a variety of benefits. 

A study done on the eldery in Japan showed that after 6 months of supplementing with PS, subjects had improved memory function. 

At 100mg, it is clinically dosed. 

Acetyl-L-Carnitine – 500mg

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a great ingredient, and while we usually see it in fat burners, it almost makes more sense to see it in a Nootropic. ALCAR is a form of Carnitine that crosses the blood-brain barrier well, and has studies showing it to be beneficial for attention, and is overall one of our favorite ingredients here on FI.

At 500mg you may get some benefit, but we’d prefer it around 750mg up to 3 grams.

L-Tyrosine – 500mg 

Tyrosine is one of our favorite ingredients here on Fitness Informant. Tyrosine, next to Choline, is one of the most proven and popular ingredients in Nootropics. It is a precursor to Dopamine, the “feel-good” hormone. 

Tyrosine has been shown to be beneficial for focus under stressful situations, and is overall a great ingredient.

At 500mg, it can be beneficial.

Rhodiola Rosea – 300mg

Next up we have Rhodiola Rosea, which is a known adaptogen. Next to Ashwagandha, it is very popular for reducing stress, and has been shown to help with mood, focus, and anxiety.

At 300mg, it is dosed well in Brain+.

Saffron – 30mg

Saffron is an ingredient that is growing in popularity. It has recently been making its way into a lot of fat burners as it may help with appetite suppression. Saffron has some promise for mood, as it has been compared to Fluoxetine in terms of treating depression.

At 30mg it is dosed well.

Alpha Lipoic Acid – 250mg

Now we come to a very interesting ingredient known as Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA). ALA is actually quite a common ingredient in GDAs. While typically used for blood sugar health, as well as improving LDL cholesterol levels, is has also been shown to increase Glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant in the body.

At 250mg, it is dosed well.

PQQ – 10mg

PQQ is quite an interesting ingredient, and is also quite an expensive one. It is known to be beneficial, as it acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. PQQ can help with mitochondrial function and cellular health. 

One study showed that PQQ may help with sleep quality and fatigue. Really, PQQ should be seen as a promising overall health supplement, and we like seeing it in here.

At 10mg, it is dosed well. 

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Final Takeaway

Cool news here! We enjoyed the last limited edition flavor, and we are sure this one will be nice as well. Mango is always a safe flavor to go with, and is usually quite popular. Once we get our tubs in, we will be sure to have a taste test posted on our IG.

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