On Monday, we announced that USN will be launching a new Collagen supplement on Friday this week. Well, we do have the profile to share with you today.
The profile starts us off with 10 grams of Hydrolyzed Collagen. This is a solid dose, especially when you consider it is not a straight forward Collagen supplement. Following this you get 750mg of Conjugated Linoleic Acid, or CLA. While CLA is a debated fat loss ingredient, it is certainly popular and may help with overall health.
The next ingredient is 500mg of L-Carnitine L-Tartrate. While not the highest dose, we still do have the LCLT version, which has been shown to aid with muscle recovery. Next up we have InnovaTea® at 100mg. This is a natural source of Caffeine, and of course, will aid with energy.
After InnovaTea®, we have another tea, known as Green Tea at 75mg. Green Tea is common in fat loss supplements, and contains antioxidants such as ECGC, which may support a healthy metabolism.
The next two ingredients are Garcinia Cambogia, as well as Coffee Extract. Garcinia is a natural source of Hydroxy Citric Acid, and there Coffee Extract provides an additional source of Caffeine.
Finally we have 25mg of Grains of Paradise, which is an ingredient with human studies showing it to be beneficial for fat loss.
The profile overall is more of a mild one, with some ingredients that may now be suitable for a more hardcore user, however USN is more of an inviting brand, and it may be good for those who are sensitive to caffeine and who want a simple boost of energy with their Collagen.
The launch of Weight Loss Collagen is set for Friday, so stay tuned for the launch article and any potential launch day deal.
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Final Takeaway
While not the most impressive fat loss product on the market, it is more meant to be a Collagen supplement with some potential weight loss ingredients in it. While we're not the biggest fans of Garcinia or CLA on here, we do like the additions of Grains of Paradise, as well as the amount of Collagen and Caffeine. It is more suited for someone who wants an energy boost to help with appetite suppression, as well as a nice dose of Collagen. Might be a decent way to start your day really.