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Kaged Muscle Supplements CreaClear Review: A Better Creatine Monohydrate

By May 16, 2019June 10th, 2019No Comments

Kaged Muscle Supplements CreaClear











  • 5g Creatine Monohydrate
  • Effectiveness
  • Mixability

Overview of Kaged Muscle Supplements CreaClear

CreaClear is a solid Creatine product. While it isn’t necessarily more “effective” than Creatine Monohydrate, it can be an option for those whose stomachs can’t handle Creatine Mono but don’t want to spend the money on Creatine HCl. Worth trying if that speaks to you.

Why You Should Trust Our Reviews

    Our review panel is made up of individuals with many years of experience in the sports nutrition industry, dating back to the early 2000’s. Their tenure gives them knowledge on brands, supplements, ingredients, dosages and more.
    Unlike the majority of “review” sites on the internet, Fitness Informant reviews every supplement on a full-container basis. What does this mean? It means that a review is not written or recorded until the last serving of that product has been finished. We’ve all had products that were great for the first couple of days, but then lost their effectiveness shortly after. We want to ensure you are getting a full review based on a full product.
    We breakdown each ingredient in our reviews to educate you on exactly what the ingredients do, and what is the proper dosage of each ingredient to effectively do what they are intended to do.
    Our number #1 priority is to inform you proper supplement selection through honest reviews. The majority of “review” sites on the internet will push you to buy a certain product based on the commissions they received. Not us. We want you to purchase the highest quality supplements at the best value. We put your health and wellness first. To achieve your goals we want you to use only the best supplements that you can afford. We do this by being honest.

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Testing Results and Ratings

We reviewed Kaged Muscle Supplements CreaClear on five categories. We first start by looking at it’s ingredient profile. This portion of the review looks at quality of ingredients used, the dosages and other ingredients involved in the making of this powder.

We then look at effectiveness. A muscle builder will be effective if it uses proper dosages of well-studied ingredients. This is generally an extension of the profile section. The higher quality ingredients used at proper dosages, the more effective that product will be.

Then we move into the taste of the different flavors we’ve tried. We grade each flavor separately and average the scores for their overall taste rating. We were able to test out Unflavored. 

Mixability refers to how well the protein powder mixes in 12oz of water. We use the shaker bottle test. This would be your typical Blender Bottle with the spiral chrome ball.

Finally, we talk about value. Value is the combination of profile, effectiveness, taste and mixability in relation to cost. Another part of value are the competitors and other versions of creatines and muscle-builders available on the market.

Ingredients Profile


CreaClear label

Now the ingredient section is going to be the most important part of this review. What exactly are we taking here?

CreaClear is essentially microencapsulated Creatine Monohydrate. Now this isn’t some company coming out with some random form of creatine and promising the world. It’s making what we already have simply somewhat better. It’s not reinventing the wheel, it’s putting a layer on that wheel to make it perform better in a sense.

While Creatine Monohydrate is great and proven, some people complain about stomach discomfort. While Creatine HCl is an option if you have that problem, it’s more expensive and doesn’t have the same amount of studies that mono has. This is a patented formula, and if you’re interested, check it out here. To make it simple, the Creatine is encapsulated, making it more stable in water. This prevents it from being broken down into creatinine, and thus can make it easier on your stomach.

There is quite a bit to talk about here, so if you want more info, visit the Kaged Muscle website here, it’s actually quite interesting when you go down the rabbit hole.



Well, there really isn’t too much for me to say here. It worked just as well as regular Creatine Monohydrate. Of course, I have to mention that I myself have no issues with regular Creatine Monohydrate as it is. Since I was taking Creatine Monohydrate before, switching over did not affect me in anyway. There were no stomach issues, but again, I’ve never experienced those with Creatine anyway.

The only way this would have gotten a 10/10 for effectiveness is if it brought my strength up to a noticeable degree. Since I was already saturated with Creatine, that was not going to happen. Still since we didn’t expect more, there’s not really anything to knock here.

It could potentially be very effective for people who get stomach discomfort from regular Creatine Monohydrate who don’t want to spend the money on Creatine HCl.






Mixes great, although it does not dissolve as fast as Creatine HCl does. Still, when compared to basic Creatine Monohydrate, it still mixes just as good, even dissolves even somewhat faster.

Check out the video for a demo on mixability.



Regular CreaPure Creatine is a very affordable product. It can be found for under 8 cents per day. CreaClear can be bought for roughly 22 cents. This is still cheaper than Creatine HCl, and it should be tried before Creatine HCl is regular Creatine Mono gives you stomach issues. The value of 9 is based on the belief that Creatine Monohydrate is a 10/10. While not as affordable, it still won’t, or at least shouldn’t hurt your wallet.

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Kaged Muscle Supplements CreaClear











  • 5g Creatine Monohydrate
  • Effectiveness
  • Mixability
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