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Chris Bumstead’s Pre-Workout with RAW Nutrition Revealed

By September 30, 2021No Comments
FIt Butters
Chris Bumstead Pre-Workout

The 2019 and 2020 Classic Physique Mr. Olympia Chris Bumstead is about to release his first pre-workout supplement since joining the RAW Nutrition ownership team. The two-time Olympia champion (could very well be three-time after the 2021 Olympia) teased the new pre-workout on his official Instagram channel, but did not reveal any details behind the upcoming pre-workout. We have obtained the supplement facts panel behind Chris Bumstead’s new Thavage Pre-Workout from RAW Nutrition.

CBum Pre-Workout Raw NutritionThe formula is a fully transparent, 40/20 serving pre-workout powder. The formula is a well-rounded, thought out formula using compliant ingredients at efficacious doses. The formula is packed with energy, pump, focus and endurance/strength ingredients.

The first thing many look for in a formula is the energy component. CBum’s Thavage will feature a total of 305mg Caffeine from Caffeine Anhydrous (260mg) and Di-Caffeine Malate (45mg). The pre-workout also will feature 100mg of Bitter Orange Extract, standardized to 6% Synephrine. We typically see this at 50mg. 

The pre-workout contains proven pump ingredients. Users will get 6g Citrulline and 1,000mg Agmatine Sulfate. To fuel the muscle cells with fluid you get 2g GlycerSize (Glycerol). Taurine at a full 2g and Coconut Water Powder at 500mg could also assist with electrolyte regulation and increased pumps.

A big component of the pre-workout is cognitive improvement. The formula features 1,000mg Tyrosine, 400mg Alpha-GPC and 100mcg Huperzine-A. These three ingredients are proven nootropic ingredients that are used with regularity within the industry due to their positive impact on cognition.

For endurance and strength users are going to get 3.2g Beta-Alanine, 3g Creatine Monohydrate and 2.5g Betaine Anhydrous. Like the nootropic ingredients, these are proven ingredients with much research behind it.

RAW Nutrition tosses in 25mg AstraGin for absorption.

CBum’s Thavage pre-workout will be available in two flavors: Blackberry Lemonade and Rocket Candy. 

We cannot confirm the launch date, but we’re told it is coming soon.

Final Takeaway

Bumstead is well-respected within the fitness world. Chris has been with several companies so I understand some hesitation with fans, however RAW Nutrition has become one of the most well-respected brands in all of sports nutrition with Matt Jansen and Dom Iacovone behind the brand, and now Chris as part of the leadership team. Chris is getting his own pre-workout and protein powder, so the brand is going all in on this new relationship, which you will see Chris really push this hard via his social channels since he has equity in the company.

The formula is good, nothing crazy in terms of branded ingredients, but they are proven ingredients, so no need to get fancy. I am sure the brand will do very well with this.

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