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Performax Launches New VasoMax


After a couple supply chain issues, VasoMax from Performax Labs is finally here! VasoMax is a comprehensive pump formula from Performax Labs formulated to be taken with Hypermax-3D.

The new VasoMax from Performax Labs features 6g 3D-Pump Breakthrough, 1,500mg Nitrosigine, 300mg Vaso6 and 50mg S7. All the cool new branded pump ingredients made the team. Everything is in this one except Nitrates, which is why users are getting full doses of other key ingredients. A full breakdown of the new VasoMax formula can be found here.

VasoMax will be available in Rocket Bomb and Mango Kiwi flavors. 

Use code INFORMANT to save 20% on your entire order.

Use code Pump15 to save 15% off your entire order + FREE Pumpmatic T-Shirt w/ purchase of VasoMax.

Final Takeaway

I have been on record saying I prefer NO3-T for my go to pump ingredient, but the pumps with this were pretty damn filthy (see our IG account). I am a big fan of combining Nitrosigine with Vaso6, here we get them both at efficacious dosing. Not too often are we so lucky for that. When you combine this with HyperMax-3D, won't regret it.

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