You'd be a fool to think RedCon1 wouldn't be involved in the 4th of July weekend party. The brand has announced they are launching two limited edition flavors, product specific, as well as an American themed t-shirt for their big 4th of July weekend sale.
RedCon1 American Pie MRE Lite will be a limited edition flavor for the MRE line. This lineup, specifically MRE Lite, has not seen a lot of limited edition flavors come to it.
RedCon1 American Berry will be coming to the brands extremely popular pre-workout Total War.
Both flavors will be available for a limited time until supplies are gone.
RedCon1 will be offering 35% off site-wide for the 4th of July along with three other tiered perks:
- Spend $50: FREE Stars & Stripes t-shirt
- Spend $75: FREE Grunt EAA's + 1776 Shaker
- Spend $85: FREE Shipping
Final Takeaway
You knew RedCon1 would go big for the 4th, and they are. MRE Lite American Pie flavor sounds intriguing. Based on the flavor cues it looks like a fruit pie flavor of sorts. American Berry is a good description of a mixed berry flavor. If we get these we will provide flavor feedback ASAP via our official Instagram (@FitnessInformant).