One of our favorite brands here on FI has just launched a new product in a growing category, and we are excited to bring you the news. Revive MD has officially launched a new gut health supplement called GI+.
The profile is pretty straight-forward and has some very traditional gut health ingredients included, such as DGL and Apple Pectin.
Some interesting inclusions are the Astaxanthin, as well as the Cinnamon Bark Powder. What is really nice to see, is that they didn’t simply launch a probiotic and call it a day. Gut health research its still in its infancy, and some experts have been saying that it may be more beneficial to focus on prebiotics.
The first ingredient in here is N-Acetyl-Glucosamine, which may be beneficial for help protect the lining of the gut, as well as help with gut flora.
While we could go on, we do have an in-depth article coming soon, so be on the lookout for that.
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Final Takeaway
Great launch here by Revive MD. Not only do they not focus on the same old pre-workouts and fat burners like many brands in the sport nutrition space do, they make some well-formulated products that don't rely own buzz words like probiotics and "detox". We have an educational article coming soon, so be on the lookout for that!