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Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal: A Must-Try For Improved Health

By August 20, 2024August 30th, 2024No Comments
Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal

Soul Performance Nutrition just does things differently. Whether you're talking about their pre-workout, which is the furthest thing from cookie cutter, to their sleep aid to their greens. They just do things in a different manner than most, and also take on categories that are not "sexy." Immune health and regeneration/recovery spiked during 2020-2021 due to the state of the world, but then shortly fell off after. Soul Performance Nutrition continues to put an emphasis on overall health and wellbeing, specifically by launching Nova Immune Renewal, an immunity boosting and gut health promoting supplement.

This simple formula from Soul Performance Nutrition in Nova Immune Renewal is two ingredients in a delayed release capsule designed to improve your overall health. 

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Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal Breakdown

Two simple, yet complex ingredients make up Soul Performance Nutrition’s Nova Immune Renewal product. Colostrum, also known as liquid gold, and Lactoferrin are used to create a must-try product for those looking to boost and strengthen their immune system as well as improve digestive and gut health, sleep and more.

Bioactive Colostrum – 1,000mg

Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal SFPColostrum, in it’s simplest explanation, is the first form of milk produced by mammals, including humans, immediately following the birth of their offspring. The color of Colostrum right after birth is a yellow/gold color and is very thick in consistency. This was how it developed the name of “liquid gold.”

Referring to Colostrum as liquid gold means more than just the color in which it appears to be. Colostrum has so many healthy benefits tied to it that it is extremely important to infants/new borns, but also serves a place in modern medicine and supplementation.


Colostrum has many characteristics to it. The first is that it is full of nutrients. Colostrum provides proteins, good fats, and key vitamins and minerals. These not only provide energy for growth in infants, it can also aid in building a strong immune system

Colostrum is extremely high in antibodies. Colostrum contains high concentrations of Immunoglobulin G (IgG). This formula contains a minimum of 30% Immunoglobulin G as part of the Colostrum. This is the most common anti-body found in the human blood stream. IgG is highly protective and helps prevent infections by multiplying and attacking foreign substances that enter the body. 

Colostrum is also a natural source of growth factors, particularly IGF-1. The IGF-1 in colostrum isn’t meant for lean muscle mass growth, per se, but it can help aid in repairing issues and improving the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.

Colostrum can also aid in improving bowel movements. This is important in infants as they look to pass their first stool. As an adult this can aid in helping improve overall GI and gut health.

Colostrum’s main benefits are:

  • Immune System Support
  • Gut Health
  • Growth
  • Defend Against Infections

Immune system support is the number one reason Colostrum is used in Soul Performance Nutrition’s Nova Immune Renewal formula. The high levels of antibodies help strengthen the immune system to fight off foreign bodies in the system. 

In addition to immune support, Colostrum can help improve overall gut health and GI health. It does this by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut and helps seal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. This may prevent the entry of harmful substances and pathogens.

As we touched on earlier, Colostrum can aid in recovery and growth. It contains IGF-1 which can help repair tissue and promote muscle growth. Colostrum can also help support the growth of tissues in the gut, muscles and even bones.

Lastly, which connects this all, Colostrum can help strengthen the system to fight off infections. The combination of antibodies and antimicrobial peptides (like Lactoferrin, more on that next), provides protection against infections. It does not guarantee that you never get an infection, but it strengthens the system to give you a much better chance of fighting them off.

The combination of all of these benefits can also improve quality of sleep!

Lactoferrin – 300mg

Lactoferring was mentioned above as it is found in Colostrum. Lactoferrin is used at 300mg in Soul Performance Nutrition’s Nova Immune Renewal formula. Lactoferrin is a protein found in various fluids like breast milk (Colostrum). Lactoferrin has several different functions. 

Lactoferrin is antimicrobial. This means that is can deprive the growth of bacteria and other pathogens. Lactoferrin can directly interact with the cell membranes of certain pathogens, allowing them to destruct them.

Lactoferrin can strengthen and improve the immune system. It does this by modulating the activity of immune cells. It can enhance or suppress various aspects of the immune response depending on the situation the body is going through. 

Lactoferrin acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It does this by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. It also accomplishes this by combating oxidative stress. 

Much research suggests that Lactoferrin can help regulate iron in the body, specifically absorption in the intestines. This helps in protecting against iron-induced oxidative damage, which directly can strengthen the immune system and combat inflammation.

Lactoferrin also helps support a healthy gut. Lactoferrin promotes the growth of good bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. 

Overall, Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal is much more than just an immune boosting supplement. As you have read, the use of Colostrum and Lactoferrin collectively does improve immune system, helps fight against infections and diseases and helps improve the gut. It's been said that overall health and wellness starts at the gut, and Soul Performance Nutrition addresses that with Nova Immune Renewal capsules.

Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal Capsules retail for $44.99 for 30-servings (before coupon code).

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Final Takeaway on Soul Performance Nutrition Nova Immune Renewal

Since 2020 and the world events a lot of focus and emphasis has been on immune health. In addition, the abundance of greens powders that launched was through the roof. A lot of companies tried to capitalize on gut health and immunity. Most of them fell off or changed direction. Soul Performance Nutrition has a quality greens formula, but they doubled down with Nova Immune Renewal and it is a very good support agent to help promote overall health, wellness and well-being.

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