Glaxon does it again, launching one of the best general health supplements nearly everyone can utilize in their daily lives to help utilize their overlooked internal health. Liver+ Synergy delivers cutting edge ingredients to help with liver detoxification and protectants, perfect for those who have a large supplement stack and/or over working their liver with volumes of food.
Glaxon even though widely known for their highly ranked performance-based supplements such as their Specimen Pre-Workout, and Protos Whey have been investing into their general health line with highly ranked supplements as well, including Tranquility Sleep + Stress support. Their newest release of Liver+ Synergy will be at the top of the list quality wise as the others.
Reasons to Take Liver Support Supplement
Taking a liver support is not exclusive to people who have general liver health problems as many gym goers may want to consider a liver support supplement for various reasons outside of just general liver support and detoxification.
In the gym culture it's no secret that people use Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs). As these PEDs help enhance muscle growth and performance, these substances can put a strain or harm on the liver, as the liver is the organ responsible for metabolizing and detoxifying many of these compounds. Taking a liver support will help aid in the in maintaining a heathier liver function and could help from potential damaging effects of the liver.
Continuing on in the gym culture it is also very normal and even recommended to consume high amounts of protein whether from food sources or supplements to help support muscle growth and recovery. As this is an essential element to help improve your "gains" in the gym it can put overload of work on your liver, as it is in charge of breaking down the different excess amino acids from the surplus of protein consumption.
Finally, throughout the fitness industry as whole the consumption and production of energy drinks and caffeinated pre- workout have been a staple to many people's day to day lives. With the regular and excessive consumption of these products that include stimulants such as caffeine can potentially lead to liver damage. Taking a liver support product may assist in maintaining liver health when using these products.
Glaxon Liver+ Synergy Supplement Facts
In liver support formulas there are several ingredients you can combine to create a great general health liver support. Glaxon while combing several very unique and effective ingredients together make this formula one of the best on the market.
Glaxon approached this liver product in two categories based on their ingredient profile. To start utilizing 250mg of L-Methionine, 250mg of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC), and 200mg of L-Gutathione (as Setria) they helped target the importance of contributing good antioxidants, and sulfur to the liver to help in liver detoxification. The usage of these ingredients in synergy with one another will still deliver a significant effect in the liver detoxification process.
Glaxon uses even more patented ingredients into this formula to work in conjunction with one another to help supply the liver with powerful free radical defense. Picroliv® at 250mg from the Kutki plant and the patented milk thistle Siliphos® dosed at 160mg, both aiding in the defense of fighting off free radicals in the liver. They are both highly concentrated versions of each plant to help be more bioavailable compared to high tradition milligram dosing of each plant. Picroliv® and Siliphos® also help supply phosphatidylcholine – another key nutrient for liver health.
Wrapping up this potent blend of patented ingredient list is Lymphaselect® from Yellow Melilot, while supporting blood flow this ingredient is key in lymphatic drainage, as the liver produces a large ammount of lymph, which is estimated to be 25-50% of the lymph flowing through the thoracic duct. These lymph vessels in the liver function have a direct relation to retain fluid and regulate the immune system.
The last ingredient used is Ox Bile at 100mg. Ox Bile has been shown to aid in absorbing fat soluble vitamins, aids in removing toxins, aid in eliminating Bilirubin and more.
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Final Takeaway
With just taking two pills at the same time every day I feel like it well worth taking if you want to keep your internal health just as good as what your physical physique is. As a guy who eats in high protein and calorie surplus every day to help increase my size and strength this formula by Glaxon will be my next liver support grab. Hitting my liver health from all angles with supplying patented and tested ingredients in this formula it's one of the best, it's simple and easy to take just 2 pills at a time I don't have to struggle with picking up 3-6 bottles of herbs and self-dosing them with an absurd amount of pills to take.
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