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Glaxon Alpha 365 Testosterone Booster: Boost Testosterone and Libido Safely

By November 17, 2023December 1st, 2023No Comments

Alpha 365 is a longstanding product in the Glaxon product lineup; however, this is the third iteration of the product. For those unfamiliar with Alpha 365, it serves as a male optimization product and supports testosterone levels, increases libido, improves mood, prevents nutrient deficiencies, and decreases both estrogen and our stress hormone cortisol.

Let's take a deeper dive into the details behind Alpha 365's innovative formula and explain the multitude of its benefits, shall we?

Glaxon Alpha 365 Testosterone Booster Supplement Facts Panel

If you’ve recently had bloodwork and the results showed you may benefit from a natural testosterone booster, Glaxon makes one that is safe, effective and backed by science.

Fenugreek – 600mg

Glaxon Alpha 365Fenugreek is an herb found in the Middle East and India that has been suggested to support both testosterone levels and libido. While there is conflicting evidence regarding an increase in testosterone levels, a single study has shown that Fenugreek is beneficial when used to enhance libido.

Maca – 500mg

A powdered extract derived from several species of cruciferous vegetables in the Brassicaceae family. Maca is very nutrient dense and loaded with EAAs, iodine, iron, and a slew of other nutrients/minerals. It has been widely used for reproductive health, but like Fenugreek, has limited literature to support said benefits. Some evidence does suggest that maca improves sexual desire and semen parameters in men.

Puncture Vine – 200mg

Tribulus terrestris, L has been used in folk medicine for millenia. It has been shown both in vivo and in vitro to improve sexual desire and sperm quality in men. These benefits are believed to be mediated by changes in hormones, cytokines, and growth factor release. Like Maca and Fenugreek, Puncture Vine would benefit from more research. But so far, current studies have been somewhat promising.

Tongkat Ali – 200mg

An East Indian herb also known as Malaysian ginseng that acts as an aphrodisiac and cortisol suppressant. One study showed an improvement in erections and sperm motility, while another study showed that Tongkat Ali improved testosterone levels by 46% in men with hypogonadism.

Ursolic Acid – 185mg

A phytochemical typically found in apple peels that has been shown to both 1) increase muscle mass in a fed state and 2) preserve muscle mass AND optimize fat burning in a fasted state.

Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea) – 100mg

Brassica Oleracea is an ingredient included for its benefits for overall health. In a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, it was. found that Brassica vegetables reduced cholesterol levels and exerts both anti-cancer and anti-estrogenic properties.

PrimaVie (Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex) – 100mg

A natural exudate that “seeps” from sedimentary rocks across the globe. As a matter of fact, it’s often referred to as the “sweat of the mountains.” While human research is limited, Shilajit has been suggested to act as an antioxidant, adaptogen, and antimicrobial. It also possess anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, and anti-diabetic properties. Studies suggest that Shilajit may support male fertility by increasing testosterone and also improve sperm count numbers.

Lipidox – 75mg

Lipidox is a combination of Milk Fat Globule Membrane and Ox Bile. Milk fats are emulsified globules which are stabilized by a structure known as a milk fat globule membrane. Milk phospholipids play an important role in fat digestion and also reduces stress levels in healthy adults. On the other hand, Ox bile acts in a similar manner, improving fat digestion. This mechanism increases absorption of our fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E, and K.

Celery (Apium graveolens) – 25mg

In a review of 10 studies completed between the years 2000 to 2020, it was concluded that celery extract improved sperm production after 60 days of supplementation. However, this research finding did not include human subjects, so further research is needed for conclusive results.

Pregnenolone – 25mg

A steroidogenic precursor naturally produced in the adrenal gland which plays a role in the production of several other hormones in the body, including progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, and DHEA. It also acts as a neurosteroid and plays a significant role in focus, mood elevation, and memory. It is made from cholesterol, and acts as the base material for the production of our sex hormones.

Boroganic Glycine – 10mg

Also known as Boron Glycinate, Boron has been shown to support the synthesis of steroidal hormones. It also plays a role in bone health, central nervous system function, and reduction in inflammation.

Black Pepper Extract – 5mg

Black Pepper Extract has been shown to promote absorption of many different nutrients found within the body. Fun fact: the active molecule responsible for its benefits is called Piperine.

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Final Takeaway

Overall, Alpha 365 utilizes quite a unique blend of ingredients to deliver another quality product. With the reported decline of male testosterone over the last few decades, I believe male optimization products will become ever more popular and there will be significantly more research available in the near future regarding potential testosterone/libido boosting ingredients. I myself have not tried out Alpha 365, so unfortunately I cannot talk about my own experience yet.

To note: I say yet because at the time of writing this article, the package is currently in transit, so I will update this post after trying it for 30 days. Stay tuned!

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