L-Ornithine is an amino acid which is involved in the Urea Cycle. It plays a vital role in reducing ammonia levels in the body. L-Ornithine is used in supplements for its anti-fatigue impact.
Uses of L-Ornithine
Ornithine is an amino acid which is involved in the Urea Cycle. It plays a vital role in reducing ammonia levels in the body.
As for help in the gym, Ornithine may be a good supplement for pumps, and is mostly found in pre-workout, pump and intra-workout supplements.
While there is more research to be done on the effects of Ornithine, it has been shown to decrease ammonia in the blood. Ornithine has been shown to decrease fatigue during exercise according to at least one study. This study used upwards of 4 grams.
When Ammonia is built up in the blood, it can cause problems, especially when it comes to fatigue and endurance. This is the biggest benefit of Ornithine, and it should be seen as an endurance booster more than anything.
Interactions with L-Ornithine
You’ll usually find Ornithine in pre-workout products, as well as some intra-workout products. It is usually found paired with Arginine, Betaine Anhydrous, BCAAs, Creatine Monohydrate, and Beta-Alanine.
Side Effects of L-Ornithine
There aren’t any known side effects with Ornithine as of yet.
Recommended L-Ornithine Dosage
According to the study mentioned above, 4g-6g is recommended, Either pre-workout or intra-workout.
It has been noted however, that 1 gram per day is enough for saturation.Recommended Supplements Featuring L-Ornithine
The following products contain L-Ornithine at the recommended dosage, and are recommended supplements for Fitness Informant: