Glaxon may be the very first brand to ever inject caffeine into a greens supplement. Glaxon has revealed that they will launch for the very first time a Super Greens Energy formula on their birthday, known as "G-Day", on November 11th. Super Greens Energy will be launching in a Starfruit Limelight flavor.
Glaxon is adding 90mg (standardized to 98%) of PurCaf for users which will give them just over 88mg of organic caffeine in the new Super Greens Energy formula. The only other change is they reduced Watermelon Powder from 500mg to 460mg. Everything else on the formula is exactly the same.
For now the brand is launching this as a limited time offering. Results will tell if this is a product in demand and if Glaxon keeps it as a full time SKU with multiple flavors.
Super Greens Energy, along with other flavors, launch on G-Day (11/11) with a site wide 35% off discount.
Final Takeaway
This is an interesting one for me. I don't love it, but I also don't hate it. I like it more-so because the caffeine content is similar to a cup of coffee and less than an espresso. I have not tried this flavor yet, but Glaxon has done a great job of hitting flavors in their Greens formula. Once we receive this we will bring you our One Sip Review to the FI Instagram channel.
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