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NutraBio Adds Baja Burst to Amino Kick

FIt Butters
Nutrabio Amino Kick

Recently released Amino Kick continues to do well for NutraBio, so the brand decided to add another flavor: Baja Burst. Baja Burst is the brand's play on the popular once Taco Bell exclusive flavor of Mountain Dew, Baja Blast.

Amino Kick is NutraBio's energized EAA product. The brand decided to compete against Optimum Nutrition's Amino Energy with a fully disclosed EAA product - the NutraBio way.

Baja Burst will be available at the brand's block party, BioCrew Bash, for customers to try and buy for the very first time.

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Final Takeaway

We have not tried this yet, but we are on our way to New York City to test it out! Full flavor review (LIVE on IG) will come at you over the weekend. Looking forward to seeing how this one is flavored compared to other "Baja" inspired flavors on the market today.

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