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PodcastPrimeval Labs

Episode 59: Regan Grimes


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About This Episode

Regan Grimes is one of the most promising, young bodybuilders on the planet. He discusses his decision to do Classic Physique and then back to the Open, his 2020 Olympia chances, getting into bodybuilding and the future for his brand.

Topics Covered on this Show

  • Start into bodybuilding
  • Jay and Ronnie as inspirations
  • Primeval Labs
  • Generation Iron 2 experience
  • Classic Physique experience
  • Transition back into the Open division
  • 2020 Olympia odds

Links From Show

About The Guest

Regan GrimesRegan Grimes is a Canadian-born bodybuilder with a ton of potential and upside. Regan was a centerpiece in the Generation Iron 2 film which documented his journey in the Classic Physique division, and his quest to the Mr. Olympia.

Since then, Regan has transitioned back into the Open division with his eyes set on Las Vegas and the 2020 Mr. Olympia. Regan is part of team Primeval Labs.

About The Host

Ryan Bucki

Ryan Bucki is the founder and CEO of Fitness Informant. Ryan launched in 2016 with the goal to help inform people across the globe on the subject of fitness, nutrition and supplementation so they themselves could change their own lives. Throughout the years Fitness Informant has grown into more than just a “supplement review platform.”

Ryan has strategically built Fitness Informant into a multi-digital platform including a website, podcast, YouTube channel and social media channel to reach tens of thousands across the globe on a daily basis. 

Ryan is also a NPC bodybuilding competitor in the light heavyweight division.

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Episode 58: GHOST HQ w/ Dan & Ryan
FIt Butters

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