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MuscleSport Releases Limited Edition Rhino Black Kings Ransom Label

Kings Ransom Label Released

MuscleSport has finally released the product category and label behind their “royal” teaser that hit the internet back in April. MuscleSport will be launching a limited edition Rhino Black Series pre-workout supplement at the end of May called “Kings Ransom.” We are being told that the actual product will contain gold flakes in the pre-workout powder.

MuscleSport Rhino Black Series Kings Ransom LabelMuscleSport’s Rhino Kings Ransom is being called a premium pre-workout formulated for royalty. On paper, it is the best pre-workout from the brand. The pre-workout will be a 40/20 serving pre-workout with a fully transparent label. Kings Ransom will feature a Nitric Oxide + Recycling Matrix, Cellular Energy Complex and MIND-MUSCLE Connection & Focus Matrix.

The Nitric Oxide + Recycling Matrix will feature 6g L-Citrulline, 1g AGmass (Agamatine Sulfate), 250mg Norvaline, 100mg Epimedium Extract (aka Horny Goat Weed which can increase testosterone levels) and 10mg Vanadyl Sulfate (used to regulate blood sugar levels). This is unique that we typically do not see Epimedium Extract and Vanadyl Sulfate used in pre-workouts. 

In the Cellular Energy Complex we get four proven ingredients. We get 3.2g Beta-Alanine, 2.5g Betaine, 2.5g GlycerPump (now known as GlycerSize) and Creatine MagaPower at 2g – one of the highest dosages of Creatine MagnaPower we’ve seen in a pre-workout. 

In the MIND-MUSCLE Connection and Focus Matrix we get nine ingredients. We start with 750mg L-Tyrosine, 600mg Alpha-GPC (a great dosage), 300mg Caffeine Anhydrous, 125mg Eria Jarensis, 100mg L-Theanine, 100mg Hordenine, 50mg Di-Caffeine Malate (yielding approximately 37.5g Caffeine), 50mg Octopamine HCL (metabolite of Synephrine) and 200mcg Huperzine A

Kings Ransom from MuscleSport is set to launch the last week in May. Sign-up for alerts from Fitness Informant to stay INFORMED on the launch of MuscleSport’s Rhino Black Series Kings Ransom pre-workout.

Fitness Informant’s POV

What a formula. It is unique in that in brings in ingredients that are typically used for testosterone or blood sugar regulation. I also like the addition of Octopamine, as it is not used often (mainly because it is banned by WADA) but it has fat loss capabilities and stimulant effects. I am surprised to see 100mg Hordenine since it just found its way onto the FDA Dietary Supplement Advisory List, but given this is a limited edition they should be fine. 

Gold Flakes Kings RansomMy favorite aspect of this pre-workout is the massive dosage of Alpha-GPC at 600mg. I would assume this is a 50% yield which gives us 300mg. My expectation with the Caffeine content and the cognitive ingredients in Tyrosine, Huperzine A, Eria Jarensis and Alpha-GPC that this is going to be killer on focus. 

Energy will be hard hitting on this too. It looks like there is ~337.5mg Caffeine with both forms. On top of that you get Octopamine and Hordenine, both with stimulant effects.

Pump should also be good. Yes, when you try to do pump with too many stims it can be hard, but the stims here are not big on vasoconstriction. With clinical dosages of Citrulline and AGmass plus great dosages of Norvaline and GlycerPump, you should get swole on this.

We are excited to try this. This will have actual gold flakes in it, which is a neat marketing play, but the label shows it is a serious pre-workout. Once we get our unit we will be reviewing it ASAP. 

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