Shaun Clarida is the best in the world at the 212 division. Shaun stops by the show to discuss his victor at the 2020 Olympia, how his life has changed, his future plans and how important his circle was to him during his 2020 prep.

John Meadows, and icon in the fitness industry, talks winning an Olympia for the first time as a coach, his near death experiences and more!

5% Nutrition’s 5150 pre-workout is their highest stimulant pre-workout that provides more than enough energy and great taste.

5% Nutrition Shake Time is a no whey added meal replacement shake that tastes amazing and packed with good macro nutrients.

Chris Duffin, the only man to ever deadlift and squat 1,000 pounds discusses his path in life which lead him to Kabuki Strength, Build Fast Formula and more.