Coleus Forskohlii (Forskolin)
Coleus Forskohlii is an herb traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine which has been marketed as a fat burner in recent years. The active ingredient in Coleus Forskohlii is known as Forskolin, which it is often called.
Uses of Coleus Forskohlii
Forskolin has been popular in fat burning supplements in recent years, and you’ll typically find it in both stim-based and stim-free fat burners.
Forskolin may increase something called cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), which is a secondary messenger in your cells. In a study, Forskolin was shown to increase total testosterone levels, as well as increasing lean body mass in obese men.
While the testosterone increase sounds nice, it was not too significant. The lean body mass increase however was more notable, and shows some promise.
Forskolin was also shown to be potentially effective when combined with Yohimbine according to a study. This was done on women, and Forskolin and Yohimbine were combined in a cream. Another study done on women with Forskolin showed insignificant weight loss results, but there was a noted decrease in hunger and fatigue, and is was noted that is may have helped mitigate weight gain. The study used the same amount of Forskolin (250mg standardized to 10% Forskolin, twice per day) as the one done on males. This may mean that Forskolin may be better suited for males. Either way, there certainly needs to be more research done on Coleus Forskohlii.
Of course, we have to mention that if you ever plan on taking Forskolin for the purpose of weight loss, it must be combined with proper diet and exercise. While the studies have certainly shown promise, it is too early to call Forskolin proven.
Interactions with Coleus Forskohlii
You’ll typically find Coleus Forskohlii in stim-based and stim-free fat burners. One ingredient that is has actually been shown to be effective when paired is Yohimbine.
You’ll find Forskolin paired with ingredients such as Caffeine, Synephrine, Grains of Paradise, Fucoxanthin, Carnitine, and GBB.
Side Effects with Coleus Forskohlii
Potential side effects include low blood pressure, cough, restlessness, and headache. Be sure to talk to your doctor before supplementing with Forskolin.
Recommended Dose of Coleus Forskohlii
250mg of Coleus Forskohlii, standardized to 10% Forskolin, twice daily is what has been shown to be effective. Of course, we have to mention that results were shown after 12 weeks of use.
Recommended Products with Coleus Forskohlii
The following products contain Forskolin at the recommended dosage, and are recommended supplements for Fitness Informant: