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Inspired NutraceuticalsPre-Workout

Inspired Nutraceuticals WWWW Review: DVST8 Your Workouts All Over The World

Inspired Nutraceuticals DVST8 WWWW













  • Energy
  • Effective
  • Pump
  • Value


  • Could use a better source of Choline

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Overview of Inspired Nutraceuticals DVST8 WWWW

DVST8 WWWW (stand for World WideWideWide) is a pre-workout supplement from Inspired Nutraceuticals. Inspired is usually known for their hard-hitting formulas that are always a hit with users, however this formula seems to have taken a different approach, and not in a bad way.

DVST8 WWWW is a more tame version of DVST8, and is supposed to be more compliant internationally, hence the funky name. It uses common ingredients in a way that makes it versatile, and is suited for any workout. Whether you want a nice pump for arms, or simply energy for your leg day, DVST8 WWWW is a solid product that delivers.

Why You Should Trust Our Reviews

    Our review panel is made up of individuals with many years of experience in the sports nutrition industry, dating back to the early 2000’s. Their tenure gives them knowledge on brands, supplements, ingredients, dosages and more.
    Unlike the majority of “review” sites on the internet, Fitness Informant reviews every supplement on a full-container basis. What does this mean? It means that a review is not written or recorded until the last serving of that product has been finished. We’ve all had products that were great for the first couple of days, but then lost their effectiveness shortly after. We want to ensure you are getting a full review based on a full product.
    We breakdown each ingredient in our reviews to educate you on exactly what the ingredients do, and what is the proper dosage of each ingredient to effectively do what they are intended to do.
    Our number #1 priority is to inform you proper supplement selection through honest reviews. The majority of “review” sites on the internet will push you to buy a certain product based on the commissions they received. Not us. We want you to purchase the highest quality supplements at the best value. We put your health and wellness first. To achieve your goals we want you to use only the best supplements that you can afford. We do this by being honest.

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Testing Results and Ratings

We reviewed Inspired Nutraceuticals DVST8 WWWW on five categories. We first start by looking at its ingredient profile. This portion of the review looks at the different ingredients used in the pre-workout supplement, what their intention is and how effectively dosed are each ingredient.


We then look at effectiveness. An effective pre-workout product will use high quality, proven ingredients, at clinically backed dosages.  This is generally an extension of the profile section. The higher quality ingredients used at proper dosages, the more effective that pre-workout will be.

Then we move into the taste of the different flavors we’ve tried. We grade each flavor separately and average the scores for their overall taste rating. We were able to test out the following flavors: Galaxy Pop

Mixability refers to how well the powder mixes in 6-8oz of water. We use the shaker bottle test. We use the Official Shaker Cup of Fitness Informant, the Ice Shaker.

Finally, we talk about value. Value is the combination of profile, effectiveness, taste and mixability in relation to cost. Another part of value are the competitors and other versions of pre-workout products on the market.

Ingredients Profile


dvst8 label

Inspired makes good pre-workouts, and this version of DVST8 is no different. It seems as if no matter what version of DVST8 of Inspired releases, it’s always a hit. DVST8 WWWW is the latest version of DVST8 from Inspired Nutraceuticals, and at first glance it is a bit more tame than the other versions of DVST8, however even with that said, the profile is still impressive and we give it quite a bit of praise here on FI.

DVST8 WWWW starts us off with 6 grams of Citrulline Malate, followed by 2.5 grams of Betaine Anhydrous. Citrulline Malate aids in pumps and performance, while Betaine Anhydrous may increase power output. Both are dosed well in this. 

The next two ingredients are Arginine Nitrate (NO3-T®) and Peak O2®. Arginine Nitrate is one of our favorite ingredients for pumps. Nitrates simply work, and you get 1.5g of Arginine Nitrate in DVST8 WWWW. While not the highest on the market, it should provide solid pumps either way, especially when paired with Citrulline Malate. Peak O2® is a blend of mushrooms which has been shown to increase VO2 Max, meaning it may aid in endurance and performance. It’s an ingredient you should take every day, as it’s a saturation ingredient. You should be taking 1g-2g per day, so it’s dosed well in here, however we still suggest grabbing some Peak O2® as a standalone and taking it on your off days.

Now we come to the stimulants/nootropics. The first ingredient is Choline Bitartrate, which may aid in focus. This is the one ingredient we would like to see a different form of, as Choline Bitartrate has low bioavailability when compared to other forms of Choline such as Alpha GPC or CDP Choline. At 500mg, it’s at the bare minimum. Following this is a great ingredient known as Tyrosine. Tyrosine converts to dopamine and other catecholamines, which aid in focus, energy, mood, etc.. At 500mg in here, it is dosed well, although it could be higher.

The next three ingredients are Caffeine (from Green Tea) at 300mg, Advantra Z® at 200mg, and Dynamine™ (40%) at 125mg. 300mg of Caffeine is enough to get anybody going, and that is actually the standard amount in pre-workouts these days. Advantra Z is a source of Synephrine, which aids in fat loss and energy. As for the Dynamine™, it’s an ingredient that has been shown to aid in focus and energy, and is considered safe, unlike many of the exoitc stimulants you see used these days. 50mg of Dynamine should give off some noticeable effects.

The last two ingredients are Theobromine and KannaEase™. Theobromine is a xanthine similar to caffeine, however not as strong. It may aid in energy without increasing blood pressure. Kanna is a calming herb which we see more and more these days. It’s actually a very solid ingredient and really takes the edge off. It’s good for people who are not very stim-tolerant. 

The profile is solid all around. While it plays it safe when you compare it to the older versions of DVST8, it still impresses us and it’s actually more versatile than the older versions.



This is what really matters at the end of the day, and really, DVST8 WWWW did not disappoint. The energy we experienced from this was more on the clean side, like a natural uplift. The Dynamine in here also really helps with mind-muscle connection. 

The pumps are solid as well, while not as intense as some other products out there, it certainly provides enough that should keep you satisfied. To make it simple, the pumps aren’t intense enough to hinder your leg workout, however good enough to give you some solid pumps on arm day. 

This DVST8 won’t crack you out, but rather the energy is great for any kind of workout, unless you are a die-hard stim-junkie. This is a step in the right direction for Inspired, as they grow and need to tame their products a tad.


Galaxy Pop: (8.5/10)

We had multiple different flavors to try here on FI, and they were quite enjoyable. The only issue that is clear is the addition of Peak O2®. While we love the ingredient, the blend of mushrooms certainly has an earthy flavor and texture to it. We didn’t mind it too much, but we’re sure some of you won’t enjoy it.

Galaxy Pop is like a rocket pop and it’s quite good. Of course it’s more on the sweet side like you’d expect it to be. It masks the mushroom flavor quite well, but you can still taste the mushrooms overall.



DVST8 WWWW mixes quite well, the only issue, like the taste, is the Peak O2 which can feel gritty at times. Still, there isn’t too much to complain about.

We used the Official Shaker Cup of Fitness Informant, The Ice Shaker.

Check out the video above for a full mixability test.



You can get DVST8 WWWW for $46 directly from their website. If you use coupon code INFORMANT you get 10% off, which brings this down to below $2 per serving, a really solid value. This is the standard price for a pre-workout these days, and we find it fair, especially since you’re getting some solid ingredients in here. This is well worth trying at least once, and it’s one of those pre-workouts you use and will go back to if you’re like us and have multiple pre-workouts sitting around.

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​Inspired Nutraceuticals


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Inspired Nutraceuticals DVST8 WWWW













  • Energy
  • Effective
  • Pump
  • Value


  • Could use a better source of Choline
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