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Purge Sports BCAAX Review: Transparent Label, Great Taste and Solid Mixability

By February 17, 2019February 22nd, 2019No Comments

Purge Sports BCAAX













  • Taste
  • Mixability
  • Profile
  • Effectiveness

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Overview of Purge Sports BCAAX

Purge Sports BCAAX is a solid EAA option. The taste is awesome, the profile is solid, and the effectiveness is comparable or better than many other EAA products. While it is not the cheapest, a coupon code can make BCAAX a product worth buying at least once. 

Why You Should Trust Our Reviews

    Our review panel is made up of individuals with many years of experience in the sports nutrition industry, dating back to the early 2000’s. Their tenure gives them knowledge on brands, supplements, ingredients, dosages and more.
    Unlike the majority of “review” sites on the internet, Fitness Informant reviews every supplement on a full-container basis. What does this mean? It means that a review is not written or recorded until the last serving of that product has been finished. We’ve all had products that were great for the first couple of days, but then lost their effectiveness shortly after. We want to ensure you are getting a full review based on a full product.
    We breakdown each ingredient in our reviews to educate you on exactly what the ingredients do, and what is the proper dosage of each ingredient to effectively do what they are intended to do.
    Our number #1 priority is to inform you proper supplement selection through honest reviews. The majority of “review” sites on the internet will push you to buy a certain product based on the commissions they received. Not us. We want you to purchase the highest quality supplements at the best value. We put your health and wellness first. To achieve your goals we want you to use only the best supplements that you can afford. We do this by being honest.

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Testing Results and Ratings

We reviewed Purge Sports BCAAX on five categories. We first start by looking at it’s ingredient profile. This portion of the review looks at the different ingredients used in this amino acid supplement, what their intention is and how effectively dosed are each ingredient.

We then look at effectiveness. An effective amino acid product will use high quality, proven ingredients, at clinically backed dosages.  This is generally an extension of the profile section. The higher quality ingredients used at proper dosages, the more effective that amino product will be.

Then we move into the taste of the different flavors we’ve tried. We grade each flavor separately and average the scores for their overall taste rating. We were able to test out the following flavors: Peach Lime.

Mixability refers to how well the powder mixes in 12-16 oz of water. We use the shaker bottle test. This would be your typical Blender Bottle with the spiral chrome ball.

Finally, we talk about value. Value is the combination of profile, effectiveness, taste and mixability in relation to cost. Another part of value are the competitors and other versions of BCAA/EAA products on the market.

Ingredients Profile

(8.7/10)BCAAX label

Purge Sports BCAAX is broken down into 3 separate complexes. Now I won’t be going into every essential amino acid and what they do, or else this would be way too long of a review. BCAAX is not just your typical BCAA product containing L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine. It is actually a full spectrum EAA. So you get all 9 essential amino acids in here.

Anabolic Muscle Rebuilding Complex

So this blend is going to have your well known BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio. 2:1:1 is the only ratio to have any good research behind it, and that is the one I’d recommend going with if you choose to use BCAAs. We have L-Leucine in here at 3 grams, and L-Isoleucine/L-Valine at 1.5 grams. THis is slightly higher than what we are used to seeing, as your typical dose is going to be around 2.5 grams of L-Leucine.

This blend also has L-Glutamine and HICA in there. While glutamine may be good for people with digestive issues or burn victims, it isn’t really all that good for muscle building. Not worthless of course, but it is a bit outdated as a supplement. As for HICA, it is a metabolite of L-Leucine and there isn’t too much to say on it, as it doesn’t have too much research on it.

Purge EAA Complex

This complex has the rest of your 9 EAAs. L-Lysine, L-Threonine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Histidine, L-Tryptophan, L-Methionine, and the welcome addition of AstraGin at 25mg.

Now I have to give credit to Purge Sports for not hiding anything in a proprietary blend. Comparing the doses of these EAAs to the EAAs in other reputable companies, it is on par if not better as far as amounts go. So good job here.

AstraGin is going to help with absorption, easy as that. Well dosed at 25mg.

Cellular Hydration and Recovery Complex

Lastly we have a complex consisting of a low dose of taurine and a decent dose of coconut water powder. While taurine may have some performance benefits, at 250mg it is lower than many other products you’ll see. The coconut water powder is a great addition to this, and is dosed well. It provides electrolytes which are very important for the body, especially hydration, which some tend to neglect.



Amino products are a bit harder to gauge the effectiveness for. You also have to use them when they can actually benefit you. Personally, I’d advise drinking them in the morning if you don’t want to train fasted but don’t want to eat something either. They can also be used in between meals if you go longer periods with a protein.

Now some benefits of BCAAs/EAAs are improved recovery, increased energy (especially in the morning on an empty stomach), and muscle sparing during periods of low caloric intake (cutting). It’s not something that you are going to really “feel” all the time like you would a pre-workout or sleep aid, but it may have its place. I used this while dieting and i can tell you my recovery was as good as it  was during the holidays, even with my calories being lower and doing full-body workouts.

I also noticed had no cramping to speak of while training or doing cardio, even in my calves, which is a huge problem area for me.


Peach Lime: (9/10)

I got to use the Peach Lime flavor and it was very good. A great tropical flavor that goes down easy, isn’t super sweet, and does a good job of masking those aminos, which have a reputation of tasting like cardboard.

While not perfect, I wouldn’t sipping on this while sitting on the beach under a palm tree soaking up the sun. It’s no surprise really, Purge is well known for their flavors, something they do just about as good as anybody.



It mixes just about as good as it can. With the BCAAs in here, you have to expect some level of foaming as there is not much you can do about that. If you look past that, you get a drink that has no sediment floating around, no clumping, and nothing that will ever get caught in your throat.



So Purge Sports is a bit of a difficult brand to judge based on value. They cater to brick and mortar stores, which is why their prices are higher when you search for them online. IF you want to get them directly through their website, Fitness Informant has a coupon code for 20% off. This 20% off coupon code will bring the retail price of $55 down to $44. While it is not the cheapest EAA product on the market, it isn’t horrible and you’re not getting ripped off paying that price.

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Purge Sports BCAAX













  • Taste
  • Mixability
  • Profile
  • Effectiveness
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