Hordenine is a chemical naturally found barley. It has a chemical structure which is similar to chemicals found in bitter orange which can aid in fat loss.
NOTICE: As of 4/16/2019, Hordenine is now listed on the FDA's Dietary Supplement Advisory List. This does not mean this ingredient is unsafe, but the FDA does not believe Hordenine is a lawful ingredient in dietary supplements.
Uses of Hordenine
Hordenine is an ingredient commonly found in fat burners and pre-workouts. It is known as a stimulant and is used to increase energy and metabolism. It does not have a lot of research backing it as of yet.
Hordenine has a study showing that it may be a noradrenaline uptake inhibitor, meaning it prevents Hordenine from being broken down. It also has a study, showing that when combined with other common ingredients found in fat burners, it may aid in fat loss, at least acutely.
Hordenine should be taken anytime you are looking for an energy boost, and it should be paired with other stimulants. However, due to the lack of evidence, it isn’t essential to any fat burning or pre-workout stack.
Interactions with Hordenine
You’ll typically find Hordenine found with ingredients such as Caffeine, Yohimbine and Synephrine when in fat burners. They may work synergistically to help create a fat burning environment in the body.
It works well in conjunction β-Phenylethylamine (the happy molecule), which typically has a short half life of 5-10 minutes. β-Phenylethylamine increases adrenaline and noradrenaline in the body, while Hordenine prevents it from being broken down extending the half life.
As for pre-workout, simply pairing it with caffeine and other stimulants may lead to a nice boost in energy, although when you pair more ingredients together it becomes hard to tell which ingredients is actually working.
Side Effects of Hordenine
Hordenine may increase blood pressure and heart rate as it is a stimulant. Be sure to start at a low dose to assess tolerance before considering upping the dose.
Recommended Hordenine
There is currently insufficient evidence for a clinical dose of Hordenine. We recommend 10mg-75mg per day max.
Recommended Supplements Featuring Hordenine
The following products contain Hordenine at the recommended dosage, and are recommended supplements for Fitness Informant: