Glaxon Specimen YoYo is a pre-workout that not only hits hard with energy, but also provides a solid pump and improves focus.

It’s hard to say… Is Glaxon™ a comic book superhero in the form of an overly zealous astronaut? Is Glaxon™ a multi-media publishing brand? Is it a line of sports-nutrition dietary supplements? The answer is simply, yes. Glaxon™, is all of these things with ambitious intent.
Glaxon Specimen YoYo is a pre-workout that not only hits hard with energy, but also provides a solid pump and improves focus.
Glaxon Specimen is a pre-workout that not only hits hard with energy, but also provides a solid pump and improves focus.
Glaxon Plasm Caps is a pump product in capsule form, and delivers solid pumps and convenience.
Glaxon Thermal is a great non-stimulant option to potentially increase your body’s natural ability to burn fat.
Glaxon’s Plasm Surge relies on ingredient synergies and proven dosages to enhance blood flow.
Glaxon Sedative is a sleep aid with ingredients working in synergy.
Glaxon has launched their new formula for Flight V3 and the ingredient profile is here to make sure you can recover from those intense grueling lifts!
Glaxon Alpha 365 testosterone booster is a safe and effective over-the-counter supplement that may help in boosting natural testosterone levels and libido.
Glaxon is celebrating G-Day aka their birthday in a big way with three new product launches and a 35% off sale!
After great success with a limited time offering, Glaxon is now making Honey Bourbon Tranquility an everyday flavor.
Glaxon has expanded their partnership with Pink Lady to bring the iconic flavor to their Astrolyte formula.
Glaxon is combining their popular Super Greens formula with caffeine to give users a new Super Greens Energy option.